Sketchup make
Try turning off Hardware Acceleration and see if that changes the appearance. Or try updating your graphics drivers.
Thanks Dave R (A name sake)I turned off Hardware Acceleration and the small blue circle now appears. I will continue my evaluation. Thanks for your help.
I love Sketchup, have been using it since Sketchup 4.0. It has been a god send of designing furniture and home remodeling layouts.
I went back to evaluation and as soon as I tried to open a new file I got another bug splat.
Is Sketchup 2013 an unstable program? It has shut every time I try it.
I haven't found it to be unstable.
Have you got a bunch of plugins you copied over from SU8?
Thanks for the reply Dave. I don't have any added plugins. I downloaded the program and started using it and have been getting shut downs after a short time. It happens when I click on "File" a second time.
Strange. What version of Windows are you using?
Uninstall it.
Then reinstall it - 'run as admin'. -
I uninstalled and redownloaded from Sketchup site and opened again and drew a simple form and clicked on "File" and it crashed again. I opened program again and clicked on "File" to open a Sketchup file and then clicked on "File" again and it immediately crashed.
I never had this problem before and I have been using the program since at least version 4.o starting in about the year 2004 or 5.
Have you reported/complained directly to Trimble?
There is a limit to what we can advise -
His "Click on the File Menu and Crash" reminded me of a similar report we got from Dan Rathbun. Turns out it is the exact same problem.
(This is PC only from what we have seen)
There are a small amount of users who are crashing when they click on the File Menu. So far the culprit has been the .fbx exporter. The fix is to find your SketchUp installation folder and then go to the Exporters folder. Remove the file called skp2fbx.dll. Then try to use SU again. That should be a temporary fix. If you are an .fbx user, we are working on a more permanent real solution. I supposed you could try to export from a different machine if possible.
From what we've seen, this is limited to XP SP3, and it isn't very common even on those machines. But if you see anyone around the forum complaining that SU crashes a lot, and its always when they click on the file menu, this is probably the reason.
Thanks Dave for helping troubleshoot this. I'll let everyone know when we get a fix in place. If anyone else is seeing this issue, I'd like to know about it so we can get their system info and see if they can help test any potential fixes.