[Plugin] GOSU v1.1.1
Hi, very clear explanation!
Here is a video for "Bounding Box View" Plugin found here... http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=21427
@smicha said:
An extra option would be to give a user a choice to turn on/off bounding boxes on all of same components or on all but the selected one.
I have not tested "Bounding Box View" plugin yet to know if your suggested extra options is available but for the most part its pretty close to what you asked I think.
Tell me if that plugins was what you wanted if not maybe something else can be worked out.
It's almost it. But selecting one component and running the plugin should also change all other components without a need of selecting them. And an option to have one selected component visible and rest in a form of frames would be so useful.
Perfect solution (for me) would look like this: select a component, apply the plugin - frames on all components, apply it again - frames on all but selected, apply again - go back to an original view. And a dream
is to assign one shortcut, eg. 'F6'.
What do you think Rafael?
@smicha said:
It's almost it. But selecting one component and running the plugin should also change all other components without a need of selecting them. And an option to have one selected component visible and rest in a form of frames would be so useful.
Perfect solution (for me) would look like this: select a component, apply the plugin - frames on all components, apply it again - frames on all but selected, apply again - go back to an original view. And a dream
is to assign one shortcut, eg. 'F6'.
What do you think Rafael?
Sounds like a plan! I will put this things on my to do list and hopefully make it happen in a reasonable amount of time. I like to realease simple scripts that solve just a few of your suggestions and then refine it by updates.
No promises since I have extra work but I think is a good idea so I will try.
@techdave02 said:
If so what about a right click sub menu to choose function???
This is done already just need to check few thing so I can release it.
GOSU v1.0.5 Released!
[highlight=#bfff00:hy2ldg96]1.0.5:: 4/26/2013[/highlight:hy2ldg96]
- Right click sub menu to choose functions.
@smicha said:
It's almost it. But selecting one component and running the plugin should also change all other components without a need of selecting them. And an option to have one selected component visible and rest in a form of frames would be so useful.
Perfect solution (for me) would look like this: select a component, apply the plugin - frames on all components, apply it again - frames on all but selected, apply again - go back to an original view. And a dream
is to assign one shortcut, eg. 'F6'.
What do you think Rafael?
Hey I stumbled upon this ... http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=21334
Please tell me what you think...cheers!
I saw ghostcomp yesterday - great plugin but its use is not as fast as I wanted. It introduces extra layer, wireframe is only for original component (box is with sides). Anyway ghostcomp is a great plugin.
@smicha said:
I saw ghostcomp yesterday - great plugin but its use is not as fast as I wanted. It introduces extra layer, wireframe is only for original component (box is with sides), it doesn't convert all same components unless I select them,... I think proxy component works better for me. Anyway ghostcomp is a great plugin.
I have started to add the 'Set:: Proxy' to Gosu.
@smicha said:
BTW. Do you know any plugin that selects same components? This function is available in a component manager, right click on a component that is on a list, and choose 'select instances' but I cannot assign shortcut key for it.
Here is the one I found by Confitex Architure;
[Plugin] Select component instances on right click - http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=9810
Note: You can add a shortcut key to that plugin under 'Edit/Item/DC Instances/Select Active
5 minutes ago I found the same plugin
@unknownuser said:
Note: You can add a shortcut key to that plugin under 'Edit/Item/DC Instances/Select Active
I am confused - I cannot find it.
I found it. Thanks.
GOSU v1.0.6 Released!
[highlight=#bfff00:3lqn88ji]1.0.6:: 4/26/2013[/highlight:3lqn88ji]
- Set:: Proxy - Replaces complex component with simple one temporarily.
Set:: Proxy
Note: The Set:: Proxy feature in Gosu is a modification of a plugin called 'Bounding Box View by AdamB' and even though is written little different at its base is the same thing with couple functions added. So most of the credits should go to him...again thanks and if there is any issue please let me know.
::GOSU dlg::
You are my hero
Great job Rafael!
Can you add an option to get frames only (boxes with edges only, no sides)?
@smicha said:
Can you add an option to get frames only (boxes with edges only, no sides)?
Download the plugin again because I added some code that will allow you to add cline lines with no faces to proxy if you hold 'ctrl' key while clicking component.
Note: In the video I said 'cline line' and the correct name for it is 'construction line'. Also sometime if the web dlg is focused and you hold ctrl and click component it will not work, so before doing this move camera to refresh view-port so the plugin recognize a key being press.
Ctrl function is not working - I installed it twice.
Another improvement would be proxy on a single group, not a component.
@smicha said:
Ctrl function is not working - I installed it twice.
At the moment it seem that when the GOSU web dialog window is focused it doesn't recognize the keyboard so to fix it follow this steps until I can solve it on code...
click Set::Proxy on dlg window
Use middle button to orbit around so the dlg window is not focused anymore
Hold Ctrl and click component
Let me know if it worked because if not then the problem is not what I have in mind. Also just in case delete web cookies and download again because since I used same name as the one I had uploaded before it might had something to do with that (not sure).
@smicha said:
Another improvement would be proxy on a single group, not a component.
At the moment the Definition Name is being used to set proxy and only components can have them. Not saying it cannot be done with groups but it will take more time to make it work.
Isn't it better to do two separate functions - proxy with boxes and proxy with clines? That could let a user assign different shortcuts to such functions.
I'll test your plugin tomorrow morning.
GOSU v1.0.7 Released!
[highlight=#bfff00:2t64rsa8]1.0.7:: 4/29/2013[/highlight:2t64rsa8]
- Set:: Proxy(box) - Added this to web dlg
- Set:: Proxy(cline) - Added this to web dlg
You can set a keyboard to Set::Proxy(box or cline) and No::Proxy(box or cline)like this
To set key shortcut to Set::Proxy(box or cline);
- Select component
- Got to Window menu
- Then Preference
4 On the left side click 'Shortcuts' - On Filter type cline
- This should appear...Edit/Item/GOSU/Set::Proxy(Cline)
- Add Shorcut
To set key shortcut to No::Proxy(box or cline);
- Select component that is already with Proxy(Cline) Aplied or it will not work
- Got to Window menu
- Then Preference
4 On the left side click 'Shortcuts' - On Filter type cline
- This should appear...Edit/Item/GOSU/No::Proxy(Cline)
- Add Shorcut
By the way ::smicha:: thanks for making suggestions! This will make GOSU better.
Added to store