Same result with Vray?
I've discover this web site and would like to know if any one knew how to do this kind of rendering (cut plan form above) and the rendering of the house are the quality I want to get.
After searching for some plugin for Sketchup I found out that Vray could be a great option!
I read this topic and other one in order to try to see a bit more clearly which one to choose.Does any of you have experience with all the plugin possible like Maxwell, Kerkythea, etc... and could bring me some insight to achieve this kind of result I would like to reach?
Thank you for your help.
What I do to make these types of renders is to add a ceiling face where the backside - facing upwards has a fully transparent material - allowing the camera to see through it. A the same time I have a solid material on the front face - facing inwards into the room. This blocks the environment light from affecting the light inside the room. It also allow me to just move the camera inside the room and the ceiling look solid.
I think there is a trick that uses the 'SketchUp 2-Sided' material in V-Ray to achieve this.
Never had to use that material. I only use that material for lamp shades and curtains when you want seemingly translucent materials.
There is a difference between "2sided Mtl" and "Skp 2sided Mtl".
I'm not sure what the Sk 2sided material does to be honest. I'd also be interested in knowing that it features as oppose to the normal material.
The Skp 2sided lets you assign a different material to each side of a polygon. To be honest, I didn't even know Vray supports having different materials assigned directly in SU. So for the ceilling trick, I always used the Skp 2sided.
@jiminy-billy-bob said:
The Skp 2sided lets you assign a different material to each side of a polygon.
But that works by default anyway...
...thinking of it - I think I remember mention of this in the old ASGVis forums. I think the material was added to Rhino to emulate how things worked in SketchUp - and somehow it got ported back into SketchUp... ...I think...
@thomthom said:
But that works by default anyway...
Yeah, I didn't know ^^
I saw a tutorial once saying to do it this way, and never questioned it...