Triangulation and Convex Polygons
what if... for each face with a hole in it one edge is drawn from the inner loop to the outer loop? (Even here there are cases where it could be difficult to do by script - for instance if there are multiple holes in the face.)
Got a solution in theory...
What I need is a plugin that will allow me to select a face with one (or multiple) holes in it and then divide that face in some way so that there would be multiple faces without holes.
i.e. for each hole in a face you only need to add two lines to split the face with 1 hole into 2 faces without holes.
a face with 2 holes requires 4 dividing lines and results in 3 faces with no holes.
a face with 3 holes requires 6 dividing lines and results in 4 faces with no holes.
a face with 4 holes requires 8 dividing lines and results in 5 faces with no holes.This solution would mean you can represent a complex geometry with holes without splitting the whole model into triangles.
Is there anything already out there?
Alex -
Thomthom's idea should work great in case there is only one hole in a face, and if You make more vertices on the outside loop. The problem with 'spiky' triangles is that You have only 4 vertices to which the edges are drawn.
Assume that You have two sets of points:
[outer_vertices] - for example 25 points per rectangle sideFor every point from [inner_vertices] find closest point from [outer_vertices] and draw an edge between those two.
(Possible problem) when two outer points have the same distance to inner point. Which point to choose ?
Matt -
Can you post an image with result wished ?
I was thinking one edge from inner to outer was enough - in order to reduce the number of faces.
But thinking of it more, ultimately everything breaks down to triangles, so if you have a polygonal face in SU - internally it'll be made up of many triangles. The same thing goes for any other software. So converting a face into it's internal triangles doesn't really make the model heavier - in terms of total number of triangles the graphic card needs to draw.
Better to make a retoplogy in 3D party ?
To update my previous post -
Any 1 face with ANY number of holes can be divided into 2 faces with no holes.
where the number of required dividing lines is defined by,
NumDividingLines = NumHoles + 1
please see the following diagram as illustration.
@gullfo said:
slightly off-topic: is off topic - but I am very familiar with that work - it's quite a coincidence you posted it....
@mrapsouthern said:
It is off topic - but I am very familiar with that work - it's quite a coincidence you posted it....
i'm trying to re-work Jonathan's SU-ABEC to use ABEC 2.0 but it's tough because their model shifted a lot...
Small world. I know Jonathan well also. Have we met?
Anyway, Yes, if the faces with holes are partitioned as shown the output of SU2CATT is interpreted correctly.
A. -
Will merging vertices help?
Your model reduced from 200+ to ~72
Merging vertices looks like it helps for that case. I can't check it for multiple holes though right now. Thanks