⚠️ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below
Does anyone know of a renderfarm that works with Vray/SU?
Hello all. Does anyone here know of a renderfarm that works with Vray for Skecthup? I have been trying to find one that works resaonably well, but have not had any luck. Any insight would be appreciated!
I dont think this exists. Your best bet is to using distributed rendering, but the 1.49.01 has bugs with this.
Thank you for your response. That was what I was afraid of. I tried to do the DR, but my "client" wouldn't connect to the server. I had started the spawner on the server, and then tried to connect, but no luck. Thank you!
I stand corrected. Interesting. Has anyone tried either of these?