Sketchup updated to 8.0.16846
After update --> SU crashed at startup on mac 10.8.2 !
Did someone know, which plugin(s) makes trouble at startup on mac mountain lion ?
Can someone called me, which plugins SU installed as default ?
use the english version. you will never find any decent resource in italian such as tutorials etc...
I updated Sketchup right away with the new version, but when I open Layout I get a message that there is a new version on the "Update" button and I go to the same download page.
@tba said:
After update --> SU crashed at startup on mac 10.8.2 !
Did someone know, which plugin(s) makes trouble at startup on mac mountain lion ?
Can someone called me, which plugins SU installed as default ?
Updated and ran fine on mine. Must be some plugin you installed?
@d12dozr said:
I updated Sketchup right away with the new version, but when I open Layout I get a message that there is a new version on the "Update" button and I go to the same download page.
Yes ¡
Same here . _________I am having more difficulties in selecting and right_clicking
@d12dozr said:
I updated Sketchup right away with the new version, but when I open Layout I get a message that there is a new version on the "Update" button and I go to the same download page.
Reinstall/repair did the trick. Why the hassle though?
I found the trouble maker, which crashed the new update on mac 10.8.2
It is the "Mesh2HeightMap" plugin !
Now SU8 is running fine
This update seems to bring very little enhancements.
Apart from The fixed DWG exporter, and some fixed bugs(?) it seems that the greater enhancement was to change Google name by Trimble everywhere it was mentioned. Nice new icon indeedI would like to add that Contrary to the previous version which was remarkably stable, this v8.0.16846 on my Windows XP Home SP3 32 bit system bugs a little. Often, as I do pretty nothing, Su tells me that my action is impossible until the model to be saved!.
(previons upgrade 8.0.15158 windows Fr version is preciously saved on my Hard Drive)Merry Christmas to all - Merry Christmas for Timble Team.
I don't able to download the last verison in italian language, could be possible to come back to the previous version?
Reinstall again ("repair installation"). It seems for whatever reason, the first install of Layout 3.0.16846 doesn't update the version number.