Simple country barn
@solo said:
I need to know if a series of video tutorial with setup models or a pdf based tutorial is preferred.
A pdf would do just fine, as far as I'm concerned.
@solo said:
So let me know if indeed a Thea4SU tutorial would be needed, I will also be covering interiors, product studio rendering as well as how to create custom proxy's.
Bring it on!
Video may be useful for quickly explaining some operations. Probably videos are more essential for modelling tool manipulations than workflow. Pdfs are quicker to go through for reviewing the steps and settings. Images are needed in any case to show "this is what you should see if you're doing it right."
I prefer video tutorials over pdf. The explanation is quicker and seeing it actually done explains things that are difficult to put into words some times. Also when I create tutorials myself it takes 10x longer to spell out the steps than it does for a video.
I have been so far removed from Thea or any rendering program for so long I am looking forward to what you are going to present.
I created a VPN and looks like I can attach images now, please confirm.
I also think video would be easier and if they are done in shorter one topic format they can be referenced and watched as needed, like the way does it. However if folks prefer pdf's what can I say, I aim to please.
@solo said:
However if folks prefer pdf's what can I say, I aim to please.
Just go with what works best for you -if it's good, and I'm reasonably confident it will be, people will buy it, whether it's a pdf or a video. I for one look forward to it.
Excellent render and great "quick tips."
Get with TW ASAP as they should not be blocking sites.
Hey, I like videos too. You can sit back, crack one open, and just watch for a while.
I know I spend a lot of time editing a little video, but if you got it down, I can see how it can be faster than editing text and pictures. You can do weekly episodes. Go for it!
And thanks in advance!
@solo said:
As you can see there is a lot going on in scene that for those who have never used proxy's might look very strange, not to worry I can explain that very quick and easily.
Hi Solo,
This is looking great, if you get a spare moment, could you explain the use of proxies? Think it would be very useful.
@leedeetee said:
@solo said:
As you can see there is a lot going on in scene that for those who have never used proxy's might look very strange, not to worry I can explain that very quick and easily.
Hi Solo,
This is looking great, if you get a spare moment, could you explain the use of proxies? Think it would be very useful.
The best and possibly easiest way to explain without video or images is a Proxy is a component that you can use in Sketchup without using in Sketchup, in other words it is real geometry that will only be recognized and seen in a render and does not effect Sketchup (depending on the geometry you use to represent it) Like my images on first page, an entire tree that is way too heavy (polygon speaking) to even be opened alone in SU can be populated to your hearts content as each tree weighs the equivalent of 12 lines and not hundreds or thousand polygons, so take the scene I posted, in total it's over 2 billion polygons, something SU could never ever even dream of opening, But SU is not handling the geometry as Thea is.
So you may be limited by SU, Thea now gives you a way to overcome SU's limitations as far as polygons go.So in a nutshell a proxy represents full geometry without having to use it in the SU model.
I think doing a video tutorial will be better as typing this and reading it confused me, I make more sense just saying and showing, once you get past my accent.
This blows my mind how you were able to set this up...Beautiful Indeed!
Thanks Solo, it's a great explanation.
Can the proxies be used in SU in general, or, is it a Thea specific tool?
PDF over video every time, much less obfuscation in a pdf.
@solo said:
I think doing a video tutorial will be better as typing this and reading it confused me, I make more sense just saying and showing, once you get past my accent.
My point exactly. I just finished a tutorial for Catchup that took many hours to complete. Had I done it with a video it would have been about 10 min. long. Then maybe 30 min. of editing the video with tool tips.
Pete, I don't care which you choose, I'm just looking forward to it.
Thanks -
I'm with the monkey!
Thanks guys.
I need to wait until Tomasz (the author) releases his final beta version with any new changes, feature or UI improvements before starting, there is no point doing a tutorial if my version is different to the released version, so as soon as I get that i'll get going with it.
I like the idea of doing it in short sessions, covering topics like Interface, using proxy's, making proxy's, render settings, animation, lighting, crf's, DOF, etc, that way you can watch the parts you need without having to sit through hours to find the bits you need.
That would work for me.
Do you have problems with precise alignment with the proxy. Do you find yourself going back & forth after quick renders to correct?
As example: A tree or bush placement next to another item.
Or are proxy best for general palcement?