Basecamp Silence
Luckily that avatar has changed
This gentleman enjoyed the event immensely. Though getting him to forgo his usual rituals was a task in itself.
Whilst this lad was the ultimate conductor of night time activities once he overcame the initial excitement.
To say I enjoyed myself was an understatement. We represented ourselves eloquently.
...... and I'm writing, what I think might be a best seller ...... how to get around LHR Airport on a short connection time. The number one prerequisite is most definitely binoculars ...... and this is a statement from a guy with 19/20 far-sighted vision!
Internal Mapping on an iPhone won't work because they are continuously changing things! I imagine staff regularly get lost there as I saw uniform guys wondering around with confused looks
Now Denver Airport is an absolute pleasure to get around. Actually its fun! Even had a special smoking place, with bar, for its smoking travelers!
To somewhat answer your question. I am attaching a picture I took of the events that happened on day two. Naturally I was not able to cover all but I managed to skirt around some of them.
Day one was an intro event and I took some video on my iPhone but think it may have been videoed professionally by the SketchUp guys. I am trying to source the official video if there is one.
Day three was a hang-out / fun day and I will update on this also.
On the Tuesday there was a RUBY 101. I signed up (middle row) for the AM class and poked my head in the door for a while but once my mild dyslexia kicked in I went on my merry way chatting to folks.
.... I lead a recon into the programmers event in the Boulderado Hotel across the road from the main event and took a video scan of the attendees but when I heard a few snarls directed at me I again retreated in a 'tip toe' fashion
I'll root out the video and post so you all will be able to see (at least the backs of their heads) the group that have been driving SU forward for the past 6 years.
PS: Just located the short video and converted from .mov to .mp4, reduced from 4megs to 2megs with Stomp. Let me know if you have trouble viewing.
ThomThom is doing a presentation in this video. Notice the three musketeers, Csaba, Pete and Rich just inside the door ready to reverse out! When I got the 'Please go away Mike smile' from John B I also retreated
I really would like to get into this programming lark and have been looking at a 'picture' orientated system. Its by Carnegie Mellon University, I will post more about it later
..... on a more social note.
I was delighted to see that Brad Schell, the visionary that brought SketchUp to us back in 2000, managed to find time to attend. I had a great chat with Brad and he updated me on his areas of interest these days. The tip is 'go Green'! I wish Brad was still around the place as we achieved some great things, maybe he will come back
I also had great pleasure introducing Csaba to Brad and we where then joined by David and Amy Burdick, the E-on Software folks for a group picture. David and Amy are real friendly and fun folks to be with. I also introduced Fr Ted (via YouTube) to Amy! I hope she 'gets it' ...... I think she will
And I seemed to have successfully escaped the paparazzi entirely while managing to have an excellent time.
I like Csaba's Utah teapot pose
It's just good to see Csaba with his hand away from his melon....
@utiler said:
It's just good to see Csaba with his hand away from his melon....
Your fellow Ozzie, Andrew Dwight did y'all proud, he drank like a sailor and cussed like a pirate.
makes me proud.....
Yes, it was a great time for all. David and Amy are great folks. I had a few drinks with them up on the rooftop bar. Great to meet so many talented folks. Nice to hear Aidan pitch the possibility of making it a yearly event.
Yearly would be nice! I'm enjoying the information starting to flow from the event.
Thanks all for the short review, looking forward to more.