Getting the circle midpoint inference
To get the center point of a circle: hover with cursor over the edge (on the circle) then move to hover where center should be and a point will appear. To move first select the circle, then select move tool, then do the above. Click down when center point appears and perform the move.
You know, of course you can make the pylon distribution (array) the same as shown in the post before for the guidelines. Your pylons would each be a copy of the first component usually.
If you have a circle Or pylon at one end of a rectangle, you don't even have to find the center of a circle. You move the pylon (or circle) by 1) selecting it, 2) select move tool 3) clicking on the first corner of the rectangle then 4) Holding Alt key clicking on the second corner and 5) type "/5". You have six pylons then and all you drew was the rectangle and the pylon--not a bunch of guidelines.
In fact if you know the distance there's no need for the rectangle either. It's all in the move tool as explained in the Online Help Center...and various Getting Started videos such as by Google and Aidan Chopra.
And that was what you wanted right? Not guidelines, but your pylons in correct position.
"I am going to create pylons and I need to find positions for their center points (all pylons are same distance)"
You say this is hard but it makes life so much easier. If this were NOT a function in SU or indeed all CAD--I think I would have gone nuts much earlier than I did.
@unknownuser said:
Do you say, that I should select circle, take move tool and hover above edge, but no center point appears to me.
Hover for a couple of seconds on the circumference than move the tool on the surface towards the centre and a snap will appear.
@massimo said:
@unknownuser said:
Do you say, that I should select circle, take move tool and hover above edge, but no center point appears to me.
Hover for a couple of seconds on the circumference than move the tool on the surface towards the centre and a snap will appear.
Over surface and towards center. I C. It works.
@pbacot said:
To get the center point of a circle: hover with cursor over the edge (on the circle) then move to hover where center should be and a point will appear. To move first select the circle, then select
It's too much information at once, I am not able to proceed it to my brain. I fail with first sentence. Do you say, that I should select circle, take move tool and hover above edge, but no center point appears to me.
I originally understood@pbacot said:
then move to hover where center should be
that I should move the circle
I succeed to copy the circles with the array. Thanks guys.
When you move/drag entity somewhere out of your actual screen, is it possible to make the mouse cursor to navigate aside, when I move on the screen edge? I have seen now that when I moved to right edge of screen, so it started to move/navigate me right (to the area which was out of my screen). But I cannot repeat this action. I usually navigate with mouse scroll and press and hold scroll button+shift (cursor hand to move screen). Which is a bit complicated, but if SU has simpler technique, that you just wait till the screen move itself, that would be good to know how to do it.
Does the circle midpoint interference work if I have made a component of the pylon? I cannot find the center point no, after I made component of the pylon. And now I want to copy the pylon same way as I did before, but I have selected component, not pylon in component... I hove over the edge of circle outside and then try to find center point.
No, it only works on circle entities and now you are trying to infer on a component entity.
There's another way. Under your Window > preferences > Extensions tab, activate "Extensions" (if I remember correctly - but to make sure, activate also "Utilities").
Restart SU. Now if you right click on the circumference of a circle (that is not in a component again), there is a context menu item: "Point at center" which will insert a guide point into the midle. If you include this into the component too (or do this while editing the component), the guide point will also be part of that component so you can always move it with it.
I cannot find Extenstions extension but Utilities. When I enabled Utilities and clicked the edge of circle, did not find the item. I exploded the component before.
Rumcajs, the other day you could not find Sandbox there either. Have you reinstalled SketchUp as I advised back then?
Another question: is this still a circle? What does the Entity info (open from the Window menu) says about it when you select the perimeter (only)?
Sure. I use sandbox.
Arc - Radius 0,20m ; segments 24
I have the Utilities on.
Then it got cut and you have an arc or arcs instead. Still if you get the move tool and run the cursor on the arc edge without clicking (hover) then go towards the center you will get a point.
Gai-- I don't have a circle center tool in MY utilities. The "Query tool" there does like to find circle centers quickly though. Funny how some tools are "better" at it?
So now that you can find the center put a guide point there. Tape measure tool, hoover on circle or arc edge move to center, draw out from point that appears--on the blue axis a little ways. The "point" cross will not be right on the center (it will be directly above or below) but the other end of the short guideline will. Include the guide in the component.
I imagine you are then going to copy the component by alt-moving from the center to somewhere on a grid. If you set the component axis on that center you can load new components from the component browser to those grid points instead, using the axis insertion point. (Or just do an array as mentioned before.)
How does the Query work? Should I select circle and then run Query? And then make component?
@rumcajs said:
How does the Query work? Should I select circle and then run Query? And then make component?
No, that was just a comment regarding Utilities Extension that Gaieus mentioned. Query gives some information about objects. BTW to use the Utilities look for it under the Tool Menu. Sorry if that was confusing.
For marking the circle or arc center do as I note with the guide point (one way). Activating the Tape Measure tool to make the guide point, allows you to find the center point. Then make your component with the guide point in it. Myself, I would probably just set the component axis at the circle center instead, but it depends how you want to use it later.
So the only thing I should do is to insert guide point and then to make component?
So you also don't have the feature about which Gayieus spoke? Maybe it is part of SU Pro only?
Hi rumcajs, hi folks.
The Point at centertool is available in SketchUp (SU) free as well as Pro.
To activate it, do this:
1 - Use Window menu --> Preferences --> Extensions. You will see many checkboxes in the rigth part of the dialog window. One of them in labeled Ruby Script Example. Click the check box to activate it. If it is activated, an X shows in the box. While at it, check all boxes to get all the tools.
2 - Exit the preferences.
3 - Close SU.
4 - Restart SU.
5 - Draw a circle.
6 - Right click the circumference of this circle to get a contextual menu.
7 - The last choice in this contextual menu reads Point at center. Choose it to get a guide point at the center of the circle.
This also works with polygons and arcs.
Just ideas.
Actually isn't it...
Preferences > Extension > 'Ruby Script Examples'
To activate the Arc-Center-Tool... -
Jean Lemire
after I drawn the circle? Do you mean click on surface? No such menu item there.To all:
I'm having break from SU for few weeks or months. For that reason cannot to test it now. -
@rumcajs said:
Jean Lemire
after I drawn the circle? Do you mean click on surface? No such menu item there.To all:
I'm having break from SU for few weeks or months. For that reason cannot to test it now.Thanks for letting us know.
To reiterate what (some of us) found out for the first time: You need to go into Preferences/ Extensions and activate "Ruby Script Examples". Then when you right click on a circle or arc, the context menu has the item: "Point at Center". Clicking that you will give a guide point at center.
Don't click on the surface, click on the circle shape.
See also ThomThom's Guide Tools:
Enjoy your time away.
Hi Tig, hi folks.
Sorry for the error, I edited my previous post.
Thanks and best regards.