Booltools issues
@erzane said:
can I send you this no3 component and could you tell me if you see something bad on it ?
Just attach the file here. From here ("outside") it even (could) look solid so there may be some minor defect.
@dave r said:
You can use ThomThom's Solid Inspector to locate the problems with your components.
Did you try this plugin?
Yes, please attach the SKP file for that component.
In the screen shot I see back faces on that component. Does that area have thickness? If not, it is probably the cause of the problem.
TIG wrote a very good description of what makes a component solid in SketchUp. You might also consider this. Could the thing you've drawn be manufactured out of real materials? Remember, edges and faces have no thickness. If the part of your component that shows blue in the screen shot has no thickness, it couldn't be manufactured out of, say, metal.
Comp#3 has several reversed faces.
Arrange for all faces to be 'outward looking' i.e. you should never see any blue faces in a solid.
A good test for solidity is to select one face that is correctly oriented [out] and use context-menu 'Orient'. All connected faces should become orientated so that they are all 'out'.
But if some edges have more than two faces - e.g. internal partitions - then the faces will be oriented inconsistently, because you can't orient three faces that share an edge correctly, one of them will always be 'reversed in the shared edge', i.e. there will be white and blue faces together - it's topologically impossible to resolve that.
Check that there are no 'unfaced-edges, no 'holes' and no 'flaps'...
To check for 'internal partition' faces cut a section through the form and you will often see them clearly; edit the component and select+delete to remove the rogue face[s].
If you reselect it it will eventually report as 'Solid' in Entity Info, when all errors are corrected.
Thomthom's SolidInspector tool will highlight where the object fails to be 'solid' and is a useful tool... but you have to take its results and manually correct the issues it has shown you. -
@dave r said:
...In the screen shot I see back faces on that component. Does that area have thickness? If not, it is probably the cause of the problem...
True, that skipped my eye actually.
@tig said:
Arrange for all faces to be 'outward looking' i.e. you should never see any blue faces in a solid.
Especially that he said he'd already done this. Which means that a single face object cannot have been fixed not to show reversed faces.
about ThomThom's, I will study it & will give you news, thxTIG
I cannot reverse them, since they are the 'interior' of my component, there is no tickness, so if I understood well I must creat a tickness for having external white face and internal blue one ?p.s. I saw one issue concerning the circles, it seems they are not totaly complet..but I dont know how to modify them..
p.s. I succeeded to find an optional solution, I made it handly and filled up the empty spaces with the pen tool ''L'' (after I can build all other details around the component)
here is the component no3 (reactor)
Do you understand now why that component as you drew it could never be a "solid" component? It's exactly what we were telling you.
It is quite possible to make two components or groups that are NOT 'solid'... but when they are exploded, and then saved as a new component or group they could merge and become 'solid'.
Because their various faces/edges will merge and then meet the rules about 'solidness' that I set out in my earlier post. -
Read the first post of the thread where you downloaded the plugin.
ok, just a few minutes
p.s. for conclude the solid component and be sure I understood well
like this my reactor component is in good way to be solid ?
blue faces inside, white outside = no nude faces (blue outside)
only the circles aren't really good (I think that0s the only issue, but certainly thomthoms will tell it..
That's certainly got a chance of being solid.
I don't know why you keep ignoring requests to post the component. This could have all been sorted out days ago.
I already posted it, it's in my last post on page1
My error.
no worry
here is my result with solid inspector
I am now looking for identify all suspect errorsso, I resolved 99% of errors but it still be one
it seems it's the circle, but I dont know how to repair it..
p.s. I heard about ''fix solid'' plugin.. would be something good for me in that case ?