SU 9 Wishlist
Octane Render now also has a beta version with 'instancing'.
You can export a single complex component/group as an OBJ file and import that into the renderer's OCS file as an OBJ 'node'; then in a SKP that has lots of objects placed [they don't need to be same object because simple placeholders for complex objects will work well].
You can then use a simple ruby script to export the transformations of these into a TXT file, it needs to make adjustments for the transformation-matrix differences between the two programs [!] and then you can paste the SSV text output into a new Transform node you add into the OCS; then you simply drag a link between the OBJ node and the Transform node - hey-presto! You have multiple copies of the complex object placed as desired inside the render, without the overhead of zillions of polys in the SKP or OCS files.
This way you can split up a SKP model into manageable parts and end up with a complex OCS file for rendering using placeholder data for the complex objects - like detailed 3d trees etc...
I have been working with smicha and others, on their forum, trying to sort out this 'translation' between the two transformation matrices... now it is working well.
It just needs 'wrapping-up' a bit nicer... -
@thomthom said:
@unknownuser said:
@thomthom said:
@cmoreink said:
- import and handle large .obj files (trees, hedges, etc.), is this even possible for SU in next 12-24 months? or should I look into thea render, since I use SU+vray only.
VfSU is being prepared for beta - it will get proxy support like VfRhino.
Thomthom, can you flesh that out a bit more? Are you talking about something like Maxwell's references which live outside of a SU file, or would the high poly geometry have to live within the file being rendered?
Proxies - references to external files.
That's wonderful news. Do we have any idea of a timeline on this or how to get into the beta? I also wonder what sort of file you can reference. For example, I wonder if I can reference .max files.
@unknownuser said:
For example, I wonder if I can reference .max files.
.max format is propriety - not one for exchanging between applications. I'd expect either SketchUp files or some propriety V-Ray format. (Mental Ray for instance require you to export out proxies to an MR propriety format.)
@unknownuser said:
Do we have any idea of a timeline on this
When it's done. No one knows - not even them. But at least they've begun the work on it.
@unknownuser said:
how to get into the beta?
Ask Devin nicely.
And give good bug-reports.
thomthom and TIG - thanks for info and good news
Gaieus - I've seen this vid just about two weeks ago and that's what got me interested in thea, downloaded the demo version and I've been learning since
My wish list for V9. Ruby right now has the option to add, cmd.tooltip = "Tooltip", cmd.status_bar_text = "Helpful hints". I would like to see another, cmd.filename ="2ptcircle.rb". This cmd would display the plugin's name.
A little thing but I like to be able to determine the name of each plugin in the tool bar icons.
@unknownuser said:
My wish list for V9. Ruby right now has the option to add, cmd.tooltip = "Tooltip", cmd.status_bar_text = "Helpful hints". I would like to see another, cmd.filename ="2ptcircle.rb". This cmd would display the plugin's name.
A little thing but I like to be able to determine the name of each plugin in the tool bar icons.
Undock the toolbar and the name will be in the title.
A couple things, while on my mind:
I know we have more excellent plugins for organic work, but if Sandbox is to continue to be offered, one thing that must be fixed is this: If a large face is selected when the Smoove tool starts, it hangs forever. Doing an undo with the Smoove tool on can sometimes create this selection and you're stuck for several minutes. There has to be some sort of control of this.
Working with the Outliner, clicking on the name of a chosen element can erase the name too easily. It's easy to hit the name while working quickly in the list. It should be something special to edit the name (like choose and press enter), and then text should be highlighted, not erased, AND if the user does no typing, but goes on to work in the drawing, it should just revert, not be empty. The function of clicking seems erratic. Also the list jumps (scrolls) when one clicks and so that the cursor ends up over another element in subsequent clicks.
@thomthom said:
@unknownuser said:
My wish list for V9. Ruby right now has the option to add, cmd.tooltip = "Tooltip", cmd.status_bar_text = "Helpful hints". I would like to see another, cmd.filename ="2ptcircle.rb". This cmd would display the plugin's name.
A little thing but I like to be able to determine the name of each plugin in the tool bar icons.
Undock the toolbar and the name will be in the title.
Yes the toolbar name will be there, however the actual ???.rb name will not be there. And that is what I wish to know.
Thanks for your quick reply.
I'm not sure if one single file can be matched to a toolbar. A toolbar could be defined in what we see as "sub files" of a plugin, which are for Ruby all the same. A toolbar definition could even be scattered over several files.
Ar you sure it wouldn't be solved by better plugin management/installation/uninstallation? (knowing which files belong to which plugin name or even not having to care about that anymore)
@aerilius said:
I'm not sure if one single file can be matched to a toolbar. A toolbar could be defined in what we see as "sub files" of a plugin, which are for Ruby all the same. A toolbar definition could even be scattered over several files.
Ar you sure it wouldn't be solved by better plugin management/installation/uninstallation? (knowing which files belong to which plugin name or even not having to care about that anymore)
To be powerfull in redering... name is mousa abu doush and i am an architect use sketchup for 6 years it would be helpful to add some feature to sketchup to be powerfull inrendering like 3ds MAX.
1-sketchup must make an archive for materials for any render engine the maps will not disapear if i copy it to anther PC.
2-sketchup 9 must have preview for enviroment in the scene if i want to use HDRI map.
3-sketchup 9 absolutely must be 64bit to able to use more Ram when we mak rendering.
4-sketchup 9 must have the ability to import .obj files without plugin.
5-its will be perfect if i can see bump maps and another maps in the scene 3ds Maxand i have i have alot of things to discuss with developer..put that right now will be enough....thnx
@doush-007 said:
1-sketchup must make an archive for materials for any render engine the maps will not disapear if i copy it to anther PC.
? SketchUp ready attach the textures with the .skp.
i'm sorry but it is mi wish:
trimble sketchup team should resign. why?, beacuse they don't want SU 64 bits, don`t want improve uv maping, don't want multi threading, they don want do nothing, so only they want the users of sketchup migrate to max,to rhino, sometime i think they only want our beloved SU die.For finish, This is not to offend or annoy to the trimble sketchup team, but it`s that they are communicating.
I want to learn can i create like this in sketchup and can i get powerfull renders like this.
If not, i must learn 3ds max[xxl-img:32axcvwj][/xxl-img:32axcvwj]
[xxl-img:32axcvwj][/xxl-img:32axcvwj] -
let me explain ..when i using Vray if i put bump map or reflection map or any map except diffuse map..that will not copied with the file because it just have the extention of the picture and will not find the extention in the other that is so important......
@doush-007 said:
let me explain ..when i using Vray if i put bump map or reflection map or any map except diffuse map..that will not copied with the file because it just have the extention of the picture and will not find the extention in the other that is so important......
That is an issue with V-Ray - not SketchUp. You cannot expect SketchUp to account for every extension there is to it.
@a_iverson said:
I want to learn can i create like this in sketchup and can i get powerfull renders like this.
If not, i must learn 3ds maxThat is more about learning the render engine of choice - the modelling is just one part of it.
Trimble wants especially one thing: invest strongly into SketchUp. That's something we haven't heard for years.
There hasn't been any totally new release under Trimble (only a Google-branded bugfix release at the transaction days). And it's still true that they say they don't reveal their future product plans (from which we can't deduce that they don't want these features).
So we shouldn't assume SketchUp 9 won't contain any features. -
I still want a constraint override button or keyboard shortcut and Object Snap Options! (also fix that center snap I'm tired of hovering)
One outrageous wish is NURBS curves for SU
mi wish: That SU doesn't become bloatware because some people don't get it's lean efficiency. If I wanted it to perform like AutoBad, ArchiCAD, Solidworks or 3D Studio that is what I would have bought not come here b*tchin about it not doing the same job.