I've rarely seen a real Orchid, but while seeking it in 3dwarehouse, decided to model my own.
also tried to keep it as light as possible, while keeping realistic at the same time
hope you like it
Twilight pure render
Having lived in Hawaii, I can say that is definitely awesome, Majid. I have not seen the side stems so light colored though. You might look at how the flowers are grouped along the stem. Still, super realistic looking!
Thank you mate, so... do you mind to modify it please?
I modeled it , based on an image by googling -
Sure. I'll take a look. Thanks for the model!
If you can get the scientific (Latin) name for the species being modeled than you will likely be able to find some nice images of same to assist. Without that it may be bogus, hybrid, unknown, unverifiable... a mashup.
Orchid phalaenopsis (hybrid)
Looks nice. Thanks for sharing.
I'm looking at a very similar [real] one as I type...
Thank you, very generous... -
thank you mates, I modeled it based on this image:
also am a bit lazy to model blossoms, and I did it rapidly using sandbox tools ,mainly and ,shape bender, for some parts. so please forgive me for this ignorance. - 5 months later
Lovely! I should be so lazy!
thanks. -
Thanks for sharing, I'm sure it's last longer than any we've had in the house!
Thanks for sharing majid such a beautiful model
beautifully done! thanks for sharing
thanks for sharing
Thanks Majid, much appreciated.
- about a month later
Thank You Majid, very nice.
How lovely, thank you!