Faces appearing from nowhere while working with .dwg import
I'm a forum mod myself I know how frustrating it can be dealing with an idiot.
I run and education version of cad which is free but limited in what you can do with it, I'll see what I can do with regards back saving the file. -
Here's a version saved in 2004 format. That's the oldest version I can save as.
Thanks, I'll get back to you [I can go back to r12!]...
Why DXF rather than DWG ? -
It was the only format it would let me save as that was older that 2010.
I've had to extract all of the levels '32.1m' mtext from the rest by filtering, now my tool fails with the trailing 'm' so I'm stripping those off...
Watch this space... -
Oh, you're a diamond! I'd be forever drawing vertical lines if it was left to me.
Just waiting for CAD to open the two files. Presumable I now take the mesh and drape my existing cad plan over it or snap to a landmark and I can then extrude the buildings and river etc?
I'm really sorry to ask so many questions this is the first I've used a grid shell terrain.
You don't need to open the CAD files at all !
I sent you the SKP mesh - ready made !!
I'm unsure how you imported the CAD 'lines', so you might need to realign the two parts...
The 3d mesh is much bigger than the 2d line-work...
The site's pretty flat in the end so it's not that great
If you Drape [or SuperDrape] the 2d line-work down onto the 3d surface that's your first step... -
Thanks for all the help I'm entirely in your debt. What I did was import the .dwg using "import" then just deleted the areas of the site I didn't need. I'll be adding a lot of topography I should think so it's not time wasted as It all helps with working out drainage and disabled access/site levels. I suppose if I use the same cad file I sent you then crop it once I've draped it.
Okay. So I've spent the day tinkering and every time I try and drape my imported cad plan onto the mesh I get a "bug splat" crash. Any suggestions?
Very complex objects [or meshes] can splat.
Have you tried splitting the object to be draped into a few grouped parts with less geometry and then doing them in turn...
Also avoid nested 'containers' inside the draped object.My SuperDrape tool will also drape faces inside a selected group onto the mesh in another group, using somewhat different methods.
The advantage of it is that the original materials are transferred for each of the newly 'imprinted' outlines... -
Still no cigar, I split the baseplan into 8 and then tried to drape (I've not had time to try super drape)and every single time I've got a bug splat.
I can copy and paste the drawing in but as soon as I try draping I get bug splatted. Also, this may be a stupid question but which version of my file did you use to create the mesh from, it's noticeably larger than either of my cropped plans is all...
I'll track down super drape now and try and see how that works out for me.
Could it be that my pc isn't powerful enough, I'm only running 2gb of ram with cooking the other 2gb stick of ram. -
Someone was recently reporting problems with Drape if Podium was also loading - any connection ??
Nope, I've a plug in for kerkythea but I've never really used it.
Took all my files into uni, still getting a bug splat even when using their PCs.
Where am I going wrong?
Presumably now I have the terrain draped onto the site I now have to extrude the buildings separately and then stamp them onto the terrain where they ought to be extruding now results in the building coming out of the ground at what ever angle the face is at rather than along the blue axis?
Try my ExtrudeEdgesByVectorToObject - pick points up in the Z [blue].
Select all of the building's perimeter edges [faces+double-click], run the tool.
You now have a grouped set of vertical walls - edit/add to them them as needed [remember to erase internal 'partitions' and then orient them all the same way - blue=in]
Does that compensate for the angle or does every line extrude the same length? I don't suppose it matter once it's extruded in the blue axis if I know heights I then imply faces along the right axis to get a "true" set of heights.
The specified EEbyVtoObj tool extrudes all of the selected edges [it ignores faces so you don't need to be too careful] to a picked-point OR where they hit another object if it's before that, so placing a large grouped face-plane over the site ensures all of the extruded faces [assuming they are locked in the z/blue with shift] end at the same z-value if desired: all extruded 'vertical' edges are parallel.
You can then edit the group of 'wall' faces to remove unwanted bits, add a roof etc and pushpull the parts as needed...