[Plugins] TIG-splitTOOLS
Thanks TIG, my mistake didn't realize SplitUp was a hidden geometry thing the other two SDoughnut and SSausage did't seem to be that way created true geometry. Is this the case? Again thanks for the plugin
@mwm5053 said:
Thanks TIG, my mistake didn't realize SplitUp was a hidden geometry thing the other two SDoughnut and SSausage did't seem to be that way created true geometry. Is this the case? Again thanks for the plugin
The SplitUp new edges are auto-smoothed [there are likely to be a lot of them and manually adjusting just them could be a pain], but the other two tools make new 'plain-edges' [you might want this type of division NOT smoothed etc] - however, the tools end with all of these new edges selected... so you can then use Entity Info to adjust their 'smooth' setting if desired...
Walt: What happened with the error message posted earlier ?? -
I'm guessing that since I didn't know about the hidden geo thing. I was performing the operation twice, that caused the hang up the screen shot shows the first attempt no geometry shown and performing operation again shows new geometry but no error in ruby window because of not responding I have the SU repot if you want but it was quite lengthy.
Please post these error-message[s].
Something is wrong.The new edges should be made 'smoothed' and will therefore appear 'dashed' in Hidden Geom' ON or not be seen with it OFF...
These new edges look 'solid', so it's NOT completing properly.Can you also answer my other questions about 'editing' etc that might have broken things...
I didn't change the script at all, seems to work fine now but I still have to view with hidden geometry on to see the dashed lines with hidden geo off I see no subdivision. The reason it SU was not responding was because I did it twice because thinking it didn't work the first time just misunderstood the concept here I guess.
OK - glad everything seems to be working OK now
Does this can work with V 7 ? (I have used the second Zip file)
Because I have nothing to enable in the SubMenu / ToolbarEdit : ahhhhhhhh!
I must add by hand the 3 variations Split, SplitDonut, SplitSausage from other threads!
That is a curious intallation!
Why not all in one file zipped ?
I must miss something -
It should work will all SUp versions...
The tools were written as separate utilities - they have their own threads...
This tool simply provides a toolbar/Tools-submenu IF the tools are already installed...
There are clear links on the download page to get the three main tools AND the Extrusion Tools zipped set if you want to add some of those tools by editing the script yourself... -
Ok thx for the explanation!
hi tig i'm going crazy attempting to install the plugin on 8proM2 (running on win7x64) but unfortunately it seems not to work at all!
it does not show neither in any plugin/tools/context menu or toolbars list..
i tryed to install it both automatically (using both the su built-in installer and the tt plugin installer) i also try to install it manually with copy/paste into the plugin folder but just didn't work for me?
is there any possible solution? -
HelloIInstallet tigs split tools withtomtoms installer but ihave no Plugin and no icons in sketchup ?
Latest sketchup version on XP Any Idea Why?
Thanks for help and for all your workings here -
It is pointless installing this script "on its own"...
It will only do anything IF you have also installed one or more of the three 'Split...' tools' scripts, which are clearly listed on the download page, AND even linked off to those tools' own download pages, to help you get them relatively easily.
This script simply provides a tools-submenu/toolbar[actived from view>toolbars] IF one or more of the 'Split...' scripts is found to be installed.Note too that if you want the related 'EEby...' tools adding to the submenu/toolbar you will need to install the files for that toolset too [again it's clearly linked off to the download page] AND in this case you will need to edit the script itself, using a plain text editor [Notepad++ etc] and remove the '#' in front of those tools' code you want to include...
All of this is clearly explained in the script itself too...
yeah i was missing pieces.. it's working fine now.. thanks TIG
Thanks Tig,
Cannot wait to try. -
Hi TIG, been waiting for this tool, Its great that there's a tool to divide the face equally. I always thought this should have been native to sketchup. Im just wondering if you can include the option for "split vertical only" or "split "horizontal only" rather than if I type 4 for example , it divides the face 4x4. (not sure though if vertical or horizontal is the correct term as the face may not be along x,y or z)
Actually what Ive been looking for is something like "connect" in 3ds max, where it split the faces when you connect the selected edges in specified number (if youre familiar with it.)
The easiest is to copy one edge to the other and say โ/4โ if you wanna divide by four, but this is possible only with regular perpendicular quads similar to what you have suggested here:
Anyways, There may be a tool for this already that Im not fmiliar with. Thanks.
thank Tig..
I'm lost here
could someone highligh what to delete
=begin (c) TIG 2012 Script: TIG-splitTOOLS.rb ### Makes a Tools menu submenu and toolbar 'Split Tools' which run the following tools;- -SplitUp http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=377338#p377338 -SplitDonut http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=386601#p386601 -SplitSausage http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=386610#p386610 See there respective threads... Download and install each of the individual tools as desired... If you don't have a tool installed then there'll be no button/menu-item. ### CURTAILED BY TIG... ###
What's up
Please explain your issue clearly...You don't normally need to 'delete' anything.
You don't need to edit the file, unless it is that you want to add some of the extra 'ExtrusionTools' onto the toolbar and then as explained in the file itself, you remove the # in front of the line that sets up that tool - e.g.**#**eeo=true...
. The full set of Extrusion tools must of course be installed separately for this to work...***Also please don't post 'whole scripts' in code-blocks like that - it just leads to confusion.
I have curtailed your post accordingly...***If you read what it says in the file/help... there are a bunch of links given to various tools, IF you have these tools in your Plugins folder they are added to the toolbar, if not then they are not - so you need at least one tool loading to get a toolbar...
...@unknownuser said:
Download and install each of the individual tools as desired...
If you don't have a tool installed then there'll be no button/menu-item. -
http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=377338#p377338 is the very first link given that takes you to the SplitUp tool's download page...
hi tig i apologize for codes i posted i won't do that again next time.
my only issue is i do not know where the split tool is, not showing in Plugin list showed in the video.. the split sausage and split donnut tools is showning fine.i will figure this myself i will read again and again
..Great Script Thank you
thank you. i have not download that one
the one i download are two of your attachment on this thread. Thank you for being patient with me.