Joint Push Pull Classic (Old version) - v2.2a - 26 Apr 17
thank you very much!
Thank you so much Fredo!
im trying to push down a curved surface but can't get the desired effect , my shape get slivered on the edges. and i have to delete lots of curved faces one by one. how should i decrease the thickness of solid the way a normal flat solid would work?
Joint Push/Pull is working normally. It just pushes all the faces in the direction of their normals which will leave those faces.
For something like your example I would either draw a curved face where you want the new surface to be, intersect it with the existing geometry and then erase what I don't want or I would draw a 3D shape and use the Solid tools to subtract the stuff I don't want.
@dave r said:
Joint Push/Pull is working normally. It just pushes all the faces in the direction of their normals which will leave those faces.
For something like your example I would either draw a curved face where you want the new surface to be, intersect it with the existing geometry and then erase what I don't want or I would draw a 3D shape and use the Solid tools to subtract the stuff I don't want.
solid tools and booltools often don't work since we have little hole in our geometry. so they don't get qualified as a solid.
Intersecting faces is an untidy and a bit long way.
Sloppy work results in harder work. Don't work harder than you need to.
I'm trying to extrude a multitude of faces with the same kind of behavior than the jointpushpull plugin. My concern is that I need as many solids than faces as a result.
If I jointpushpull 5 adjacent faces, they will end in a single extruded group. What I would like is having 5 adjacent solids as a result.The ky Group PushPull 2D Faces plugin does that very well... it found out to be the best solution for me make in making that sketchyphysics video :
BUT for this video the faces were all parallel. What I didn't find yet is a way to obtain the same result (multiple adjacent solids) when the faces are NOT parallel. The ky Group PushPull 2D Faces plugin actually does it, but the groups all interpenetrate, which does not end with solids, which is not ok with sketchyphysics...
My point is I would like to extrude this wonderful head model by 3D creator ( into multiple solids, then use it in sketchyphysics (if my iMac accepts to deal with sio many entities...)
Any idea ?
Many thanks -
Did you use the options (press TAB to have the dialog box appear)
- Keep Original Face
- Borders on all faces
Dear Fredo,
Thank you for your answer, and congratulations for the great job you do with all these plugins.
I tried what you suggest, but as a result I have one group, and I would like to have 5 different groups / solids>Joint is an image of what I get.
Can you think of a way to do it ?
Once you have made the 6 'segments' [it's not 5?], you can edit the resultant group.
Use Select 'by fence' so that only the edges/faces of a required 'segment' are selected and then 'group' them.
Any shared edges with non-selected faces are duplicated automatically.
Repeat until all 'segments' are groups.
Now edit each segment-group in turn.
Over-draw an edge bounding any missing faces [e.g. at junctions], these faces should then reform...
Tip: to see what you are doing set your View > Component-Edit to 'hide-rest-of-model'.
Now you should have the main [original] group containing 6 solid sub-groups.
If you want them 'loose' you can just Explode the original group... -
Hello Tig,
thanks for your answer.
The problem is I have 6500 groups on that model !
I couldn't treat them individually...
Do you think there is an automated way to do it ?On the image below, I used Ky,'s Group and Pushpull 2d faces to extrude a few faces as groups. But the groups interpenetrate, which is unsuitable for sketchyphysics (this is my guess, but I could be wrong —I discovered all these great plugins you guys make just a few days ago...)
I could use the SU feature Solid Tools >Trim, that would do the trick, but this tool seems to apply only on two solids, which is not enough... (again, I could be wrong on that point...)On the other image I used Joint Push Pull
Would you have any more idea ?
Many thanks
Fredo could add something into his JPP code to split the mesh into individual groups ?
I'm still unclear as to why you want to do this ? -
The purpose of all this is being able to "play" with such a model in sketchyphysics (collapse, explode, etc...)
I think (am I right ?) that it has to be separate groups in order to do so...
If the groups interpenetrate, the sketchyphysics contextual menu or dialog box will not unfreeze the groups. Do you think it's true ? Or am I making a problem where there is not ?
Thanks again for your patience -
Why not make a very simple example of say 3x3x3 cube groups and see how it does ?
Awesome tool. Works great most of the time, but i am getting a crash attempting to JPP the surface in this attached file.
@bundoo said:
Awesome tool. Works great most of the time, but i am getting a crash attempting to JPP the surface in this attached file.
Indeed, it does bug splat.
After a rapid check, it seems that the configuration with those holes and concave sides of faces is precisely one case that I left for future implementation.I suggest you cut the big face into smaller chunk with vertical lines. Then it works.
Sorry for inconvenience
Hi everybody!
I've got some problems about Joint Push Pull - v2.0b: I followed all the steps for the installation, but when I open the program a window appears and says "Error Loading File jointpushpull_main.rb undefined method `get_last_state' for nil:NilClass".
Fredo6, what does it mean?Thanks a lot!
Ps: I have Google Sketchup 8 pro...
thank u for sharing,like it!
thanks for this wonderful plugin. I often work with it. I have now installed the latest version but I get no dialog box. What do I need to see the dialog box?
@charly2008 said:
thanks for this wonderful plugin. I often work with it. I have now installed the latest version but I get no dialog box. What do I need to see the dialog box?
With the visual edition, you have a preview mode and you can type the offset in the VCB. The dialog box can be invoked by pressing TAB or via the contextual menu.