No faces on imported DWG
Hello. I've imported a 2D dwg into SU (version 7)and the linework is there but no faces. I want the faces to push/pull for 3D. I basically have to redraw over the imported linework, then it creates the faces for me, but this is too much work to redraw the imported drawing. What do I need to do to have the faces. All linework in Autocad is connected, so I don't understand why faces do not appear in SU. Thanks.
u could try this plugin by TIG: -
Thanks Peter. My newbie status is rearing its head, but how do I download the script? I've never done that. When I click on the program (the .rb) a message tells me I don't have the application to run it. Is this a "ruby" program, and if so do I need to purchase it? Thanks
@ynotbob2008 said:
Thanks Peter. My newbie status is rearing its head, but how do I download the script? I've never done that. When I click on the program (the .rb) a message tells me I don't have the application to run it. Is this a "ruby" program, and if so do I need to purchase it? Thanks
u put (copy) plugins (the .rb files) in the \plugin folder in your sketchup directory. (for example C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 8\Plugins)
they load automatically on sketchup start. they can disabled in window->preferences->extensionsu can view a list of all plugins here: have ruby scripts thread with examples: just discovered that there are plugins a few weeks ago myself, now i'm a huge sketchup enthusiast
Wow...thanks Peter. Is there something to describe all those plugins, so I know which are useful in my applications (other than the visual Must-have plugins)?
In the plugins forum, where you find the "Must haves" there is also a thread near the top, of videos for some plugins (all done by Rich I think
). And also at the top of all Sketchucation pages is a a big red button "Plugins Index" where you can find links for many.
What I usually do is come upon some problem then wonder whether a plugin might do it. I am often wrong on how a plugin will help but usually pleased and amazed by what I eventually find. Just search the names and descriptions. If you can't figure out which one, you may have to ask. Just add them as you need them.
In your case you want to make faces on your geometry. As you see there's a plugin called make "Make Faces" (this one is found on, not the Plugins Index but nvm.)
Still the problem you see is common and even with plugins it may take some work to get faces on a dwg import.
Similar thing happened to me once. I changed the units in the import dialogue to something much bigger and Skethcup was able to generate the faces succesfully. I scaled model back down once in Sketchup. The actual CAD file was in centimeters, but I imported it as meters I think. Give it a try.
Thanks for all the help. Great suggestion on the import.
Good point about the import units...
To expand.
When you import a CAD file [DXF or DWG] there's an 'options' button on the dialog.
Set the units to match the know units of the CAD file.
If you don't know these choose a large unit like 'meters' that way it will definitely 'face'
Also choose to NOT preserve the CAD origin so the geometry is imported near the SKP origin [clipping issues can result from things miles from the center].
Sketchup/OpenGL have problems making very tiny faces so sometimes mis-sized imports miss out faces.
If you import too big you can always rescale back; edit the imported 'container' and use the Tapemeasure tool and pick two points on the geometry a know distance apart [perhaps a grid spacing or an object's width] and immediately type in the 'real' size + <enter> - you are asked if you want to scale everything - answering 'yes' will rescale the geometry in the 'container' back so it's the 'real' size...
If imported objects don't have faces because they didn't have faces in the CAD file - e.g. it was just 2d line work - then you must add faces manually.
Inside the imported geometry's 'container' edit... if you try drawing over an edge that could make a face then one should appear. Drawing a large rectangle over the whole lot, selecting all and using right-click context-menu 'intersect' can make missing faces within individual perimeters...
There are also several 'add-faces' tools freely available too that try to add faces to [pre]selected edges...
Some CAD files are very sloppily drawn and don't have complete perimeters - if the gap is big add the missing edge and it should 'face' - e.g. if you zoom in there might be a tiny gap in a corner - it can never hold a face unless it's a loop - draw in the missing piece, or use Move with nothing selected and pick one edge's end and snap it to the other to close the gap - it should then take a face if you over draw an edge.
Tip: if you choose/adjust a Style so that edge end-points/profiles are clearly visible you can see all edges that do not have faces [in profile thickness] and all ends - small gaps show as a double end-point 'blob'... This can help you edit things too...
Another tip: all faces drawn/made at z=0 face 'downwards' - with the 'bluish' back visible - when you have the required 'mesh' you should flip the faces using context-menu 'reverse', or if they are all wrong select one reverse so right and 'orient' to match the rest to it...
wow thanks for this post! it solved my problem!