Does anyone have...
What !!!
The USA has [slightly] thinner plywood than the rest of the world ??
Let's all agree to call it '12mm'Did you make the model out of Slicer cuts or ModelSlicer ?
I have a project on the backburner to make a Slicer+Slotter using components in the assembled set and flattened... -
Plywood is almost always thinner than the dimension it is called but then so is all other wood. A 1x6 will be 3/4 in. thick by 5-1/2" wide. If you want one inch thick lumber you have to buy 6/4 and surface it.
@d12dozr said:
Sweet model Jeff!
@unknownuser said:
is it mathematically generated?
i guess you could say that
@tig said:
What !!!
The USA has [slightly] thinner plywood than the rest of the world ??
Let's all agree to call it '12mm'haha.. i can imagine this jobsite scenario
me - "hey, buddy, bring me a sheet of that 12mil"
him -" uhhh "@unknownuser said:
Did you make the model out of Slicer cuts or ModelSlicer ?
I have a project on the backburner to make a Slicer+Slotter using components in the assembled set and flattened...all solids then boolean actions.
@unknownuser said:
5 is the only version available to me.. all osx development is strictly focused on that version now.
(still a lot missing though.. no plugins yet.. the UI needs a lot of improvements still.. but, most if not all of the drawing functions work and they're mega powerful ) -
My converter
gives that
and you said that must be
@unknownuser said:
1/2" is 'half' an inch ~12.7mm
there is 0.3 mm on the fly !
The sawdust?@unknownuser said:
each one of those squares = 12"
So the square of Jeff 12" must be 30.5 cm or 30.48 cm ?
@unknownuser said:
So the square of Jeff 12" must be 30.5 cm or 30.48 cm ?
any way we call it, that's still an awful lot of cardboard!
@unknownuser said:
i guess you could say that
Ha...Nice, that makes sense because its so hard to reliably make something like that in SU that corresponds to real-world requirements
@tig said:
Did you make the model out of Slicer cuts or ModelSlicer ?
I have a project on the backburner to make a Slicer+Slotter using components in the assembled set and flattened...can't wait for that
As I said it's on the "backburner" - it's item #9 today - but it was #8 last week !
I'm still excited. I can wait u out.
@unknownuser said:
for skateboarding ... of course!... why waste it by putting water in there?
I don't think you have a choice, Jeff. Doesn't it ever rain in NYC...?
Beaut model though!!
@utiler said:
@unknownuser said:
for skateboarding ... of course!... why waste it by putting water in there?
I don't think you have a choice, Jeff. Doesn't it ever rain in NYC...?
Beaut model though!!
I rarely work in the city.. I just live here then fly out to build.
regardless, I generally build inside..If outside, I use other surface materials & p.t. framing but nothing beats using the european plywood for the final layer. great material to work with (very strong/durable yet still pliable/workable) and the surface is super good for riding on. (fast/smooth with just the right amount of tack)
Seems for you at little scale
PS Only for Mac!
But in SU We have TIG and its Slicer
@unknownuser said:
PS Only for Mac!
i think it's only for windows actually -- oh wait.. 123D Make is a different app and it is mac only.. weird. -
I took my infos directly from to Todesk!