Re: Some Funny Pics.
now that looks like a sketchup speed modelling challange!
I love these visual tricks.
The only thing I love more is to see how its done.
I cannot help but wonder what you were looking for on YouTube in the first place.
Ah well, this was in the top row of my "suggested for you because you watched this and that before..." category. So the question is rather like "what do I generally watch on YT?"
(Nice turd-hat BTW)
Why ... thank you!
Stunning. Was it a gift? The rakish angle makes it look very smart.
Well, I recognise Mike from this latter chart. He was brought up in the UK as far as I remember.
Rich would rather say "F***ck off, idiot". Much more straightforward - and one can understand completely.
In the UK we have lots of 'coded phrases' that don't mean what a non-native speaker might think they do...
When politicians have had 'full and frank discussions' we know that they 'fell out'.
When a minister has the 'full backing of the prime-minister' we know that he'll be fired/forced-to-resign within a few days!
There's a newish trend for politicians to use a strange passive/it-wasn't-me form of speech - so a politician can say 'I apologize if I allowed my personal life and professional life to become blurred...', or 'The blurring of my private and professional life, is something for which I can only apologize...', but he can't say 'What I did was wrong...' - as if his lives are somehow separate from himself, and that they did these misdeeds, not him, and the worst thing he did was he did not try sufficiently hard to stop these pesky 'lives' from doing the wrong ! -
I guess each language has this - and most probably this is the hardest to grasp for a foreigner - unless he's been actually living in that culture for long.
@tig said:
When a minister has the 'full backing of the prime-minister' we know that he'll be fired/forced-to-resign within a few days!
There's a newish trend for politicians to use a strange passive/it-wasn't-me form of speech - so a politician can say 'I apologize if I allowed my personal life and professional life to become blurred...', or 'The blurring of my private and professional life, is something for which I can only apologize...', but he can't say 'What I did was wrong...' - as if his lives are somehow separate from himself, and that they did these misdeeds, not him, and the worst thing he did was he did not try sufficiently hard to stop these pesky 'lives' from doing the wrong !Grey-speak - everything muddled and ambiguous. Drives me mad.
As an architectural student, I always knew I was in trouble when a tutor used the phrase "that's interesting" ...