[Plugin] DXF_export v0.0.4 (2011-10-28)
new Version v0.0.3 available!
I updated the text and the dl-link in the first post and added something like a version history.
Still feel free to comment ...
And use the plugin as often as you canGreetings
Jörg -
@blajnov said:
Error persists arc oriented incorrectly.
Hi blajnov,
can you pls. provide the source .skp file?
So that I can reproduce here ...I have drawn something similar and opened in heekscnc and freeCAD.
Both seem to be fine!Kind regards
Jörg -
@joergber said:
Hi blajnov,
can you pls. provide the source .skp file?
So that I can reproduce here ...
I have drawn something similar and opened in heekscnc and freeCAD.
Both seem to be fine!
Kind regards
JörgI opened the exported file in DraftSight.
In AutoCAD 2008, similar.
And when you export, create a file with no extension dxf
Here skp files and dfx
My drawing imported exploded and flipped also.
I hope you get this fixed.The audit report in Doublecad xt (free) reported:
AcDbArc(21). An invalid Normal direction (0 0 -2.54) was found. Validation: Invalid. Replaced by Normalized.
AcDbArc(22). An invalid Normal direction (0 0 -2.54) was found. Validation: Invalid. Replaced by Normalized.
AcDbArc(23). An invalid Normal direction (0 0 2.54) was found. Validation: Invalid. Replaced by Normalized.
AcDbArc(24). An invalid Normal direction (0 0 2.54) was found. Validation: Invalid. Replaced by Normalized.
AcDbCircle(25). An invalid Normal direction (0 0 2.54) was found. Validation: Invalid. Replaced by Normalized.
AcDbViewportTable(8). An invalid Viewport *Active missing was found. Validation: . Replaced by Created.
Audit recovered database.
AcDbBlockTableRecord(1D). An invalid BlockBeginId was found. Validation: Invalid. Replaced by Created.
AcDbBlockTableRecord(1D). An invalid BlockEndId was found. Validation: Invalid. Replaced by Created.
AcDbBlockTableRecord(1B). An invalid BlockBeginId was found. Validation: Invalid. Replaced by Created.
AcDbBlockTableRecord(1B). An invalid BlockEndId was found. Validation: Invalid. Replaced by Created.
54 objects audited
Total errors found during audit 10, fixed 10Greetings,
The error report sounds like you are converting vectors from inches to cm when you should not - a vector [0,0,1] is normalized [0,0,2.54] is NOT. Only 'cm-ize' dimensions and leave vectors alone.
as mentioned above, the plugin does not export to correct DXF2000 format!
By now (for example) arcs with startangle of 245° and endangle 13° can happen!
I am not sure if this will be interpreted correctly by all importers or Autocad ...
And there is no HEADER or TABLE section or any (ENTITIES only!)
But I'll correct this in a future release!But I also noticed that my 'orientation-algorithm' was incorrect for arcs with odd number of edges ...
I realized that the z-normal tells me if the arc was drawn cw or ccw ...
Thanks to TIG, which gave me food for thoughtBep:
Thank you for the report!
I'll try Doublecad xt ...!
(or let you generate the reports)
Yes, I converted everything although normals shouldn't.
Thank you!Give me a day or two to
- 'fix' arc-orientation (again
- implement export of 3d oriented circles and arcs to lines ...
- support Faces (however
- respect Components
- not explode everything anymore!
Thanks again to everybody!
Jörg - 'fix' arc-orientation (again
Thank you, Jörg ! Today I had the occasion to use the updated version of the plugin, as I had to export some sketchup drawings as DXF for CNC. Despite it turns some arcs in AutoCAD, they are right oriented in CNC Software, and that is what I'm interested in.
You made me very happy here! Good luck with the improvements -
new version v0.0.4 available ...
I updated the first post.Have fun!
Jörg -
I imported this plug-in, when I select the items & export, it does not give me any file types to choose from, no DXF. Is there something I'm missing or is there another plugin to make this work? Thanks for any advice!
I just downloaded the new version, but it still does not give the dxf file type to save as. Any suggestion ?
There is no filetype to choose from!
The Plugin takes the current skp-filename and exchanges '.skp' with '.dxf' thats all!
(For unsaved models the default filename is 'Untitled.dxf')Just click 'Export to DXF' then choose the folder to save to and save the dxf.
Before saving you may change the filename to your needs!
(But don't forget '.dxf' at the end of the filename)Have a nice day!
Jörg -
Thanks for a great plugin! I just sent a .dxf file to a friend and he could open it perfectly in SolidWorks. Next step is to CNC the part.
Edit: One thing. My friend just mentioned that when he opened the .dxf in SolidWorks it was in Inches even though I made it in mm. He could just change to mm, but still...
I can not reproduce here ...
The only thing I could imagine is that you disabled the
'Display units format' setting (Window->Model Info->Units) but then there should have been a messagebox saying "Unable to detect the actual unit setting ...\nGenerate Output in inch?" and the whole DXF would have been 'inverted' because the units calculation factor is -1 in this case ...
(will be fixed in next release!)
Pls. let me know if the problem persists!
And maybe you do have a screenshot that could help or the .skp file of your model ... ... ...Anyway, thank you very much for the feedback
More than 120 downloads and just this few problems/bugs/featurerequests/...
Jörg -
You are welcome, and thank you (!) for the plugin!
Here is an example of a sketchup that he says opens in Inches:
Wohooo, that was fast
I exported without any problems ...
Here is my output ...
Could you pls. send this file to your friend to doublecheck?
Could you pls. check the setting and try again?If you select the measure tool in SU ...
is the length displayed like '371,25mm'?Thank you!
Jörg -
Hi joergber,
Can you explain how this plugin differs to a standard SU export? -
It might not have come out clearly ...
I'm using SU 8 free (just updated my profile)
And the standard dxf-exporter is for pros only ( as far as I know )So ...
I don't know how it differs to standard SU exportIs there a specific reason why you are asking?
Jörg -
Only that I'm using PRO and wanted to know the difference; that's all....
thanks for the explain!
@unknownuser said:
I also need DXF for CNC milling.
@joergber said:
I did this because I use the DXF with heekscnc to generate milling operations (G-Code).
Milling a circle or an arc is much faster than several lines ...Thanks for the plugin!
I also use SketchUp to create files for CNC cutting.
There is an excellent plugin to do the right Gcode in Sketchup, Phlatscript (SketchUcam)
For more information, visit the site:http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=38150&p=337062&hilit=phlatscript#p337062
I just found a bug in the program. As seen in image below, the unit format is disabled (to not show it in dimension lines). But, the exporter doesn't recognize the units that I used and wants to export by default in inch. My suggestion: if there is a program limitation for this situation, to replace the YES/NO message box with a list box with all units available. So, if the exporter doesn't recognize the units, to let the user choose.
Another thing... I selected only the contour lines from a 3d object (the lines that formed one face), the exporter reported "one shape",but in DXF I had all lines exported of the solid. Is it possible to export ONLY what is selected? I mention that I was inside a component when I selected the outer shape of the face.
One more thing: it would be useful to have the possibility to export in XY plane for all 2D shapes, regardless they are oriented on a different plane.This is the most useful DXF exporter I ever used. Actually, is the only one that is helping me
Thank you.