SketchUp/OSX Lion Known Google SketchUp Lion Issues
@driven said:
@tricias said:
rule out Ruby plugins by launching SU with Ruby plugins disabled.
TriciaThanks Tricia
that's a very handy bit of code, are there any more like that available?I'm glad it is useful. That is the main start-up option that is supported.
@driven said:
not only Lion issues
it does show me that the inability to 'print to scale' on more than one A4 sheet is a BUG not my plugins.
There are two Mac-specific bugs we are hoping to fix in the next maintenance release of SketchUp that sound related to this. One is that scaling is not accurate when exporting to PDF/EPS, and the other is that the print width and height settings aren't remembered, which means you can't print to multiple pages. Are you running into one or both of these?
@driven said:
also, can the .DS_Store be responsible for the ongoing 'painttool' bug?
2011-09-13 10;34;25.256 SketchUp[1907;10b] Custom ColorPicker class with name .DS_Store could not be loaded.
Can you describe this bug more?
Thanks in advance,
@tricias said:
One is that scaling is not accurate when exporting to PDF/EPS, and the other is that the print width and height settings aren't remembered, which means you can't print to multiple pages. Are you running into one or both of these?
Printing to Scale over multiple A4 sheets is my main problem, but I have also tested drawing an A4 Sheet minus 10mm margins and printing at 1:1 and SU either wants to print it on 4 pages [but can't] or if I set the page size to match the paper size, it scales the output at approx 50%.
@tricias said:
Can you describe this bug more?
if I set 'auto activate paint tool' in preferences, I expect it to activate the 'color' dialog box when I select the 'paint tool', which it does, However, it also sets the 'paint bucket' as the startup tool, which is never what I want in a blank drawing or even an pre-existing one.
I normally use an applescript to start SketchUp that allows me to set 'auto paint tool' as a preference, but start with a different tool ,preserves my custom toolbars and refreshes the view [the other mac startup bugs].
I had stopped setting this preference because it seemed to make SU more buggy.
On reselecting it to refresh my memory for this reply it exposed a bug in 'booleanhelper.rb' in relation to 'Sketchup::SelectionObserver', I'll report that to the developer, but thought I should mention it as it works fine without 'auto paint tool'.
Thanks in advance,
Thanks Tricia! I'll try with autosave disabled first, then I'll try with plugins disabled.
I have found that the Add location button to geolocate your model gives me a window with Unauthorised Error 401 in it. Anyone else find this?
BTW I am new to the forum! -
@thecadman said:
I have found that the Add location button to geolocate your model gives me a window with Unauthorised Error 401 in it. Anyone else find this?
Welcome ...
What is your Safari version ?
I tried it on Win, and got a rendering error:
Ok I see the problem... The Account SignIn page has been changed. When I sized the window... there is a yellow banner at the bottom that says "Welcome to Google's new sign-in page"
The new size is saved in the "WebDialog_ModelHere" subkey. (Easy fix!)
@dan rathbun said:
What is your Safari version ?
@dan, it's working on Safari 5.0.6, so it should also work on Safari 5.1.0, if that's your thought.
@thecadman, have you tried the other 'Google Toolbar' links i.e. the warehouse, photoTexture, do they work?
I'm not on OSX 10.7, but I had problems before I registered my Google account from within the 3D Warehouse dialog.
Given lots of underlying technology has changed in Lion, are the messages when SketchUp launches (which most users won't see unless they are developers) benign anymore?
Previously its just a bit sloppy that the same function if defined twice. But now, picking up something from an installed Framework vs SketchUp could cause problems, no?
[floatl:33cjkhwe]objc[78103]: Class SKTextPath is implemented in both /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ and /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[78103]: Class SKTextPath is implemented in both /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ and /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[78103]: Class CocoaReadOnlyFileBuf is implemented in both /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ and /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[78103]: Class CocoaReadWriteFileBuf is implemented in both /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ and /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[78103]: Class CocoaBaseFileBuf is implemented in both /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ and /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[78103]: Class CocoaReadOnlyFileBuf is implemented in both /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ and /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[78103]: Class CocoaReadWriteFileBuf is implemented in both /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ and /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[78103]: Class CocoaBaseFileBuf is implemented in both /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ and /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[78103]: Class HLRExporterBase is implemented in both /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ and /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[78103]: Class CocoaReadOnlyFileBuf is implemented in both /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ and /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[78103]: Class CocoaReadWriteFileBuf is implemented in both /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ and /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[78103]: Class CocoaBaseFileBuf is implemented in both /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ and /Applications/Google SketchUp 8/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.[/floatl:33cjkhwe] -
@thecadman said:
I have found that the Add location button to geolocate your model gives me a window with Unauthorised Error 401 in it. Anyone else find this?
BTW I am new to the forum!Hi Steve - are you still seeing this issue?
And Dan, are you still seeing the rendering error? What seems to be going on here is that Add Location is mis-behaving - it should never make you login (which might be related to the 401 error as well). I'm curious whether anyone else, when adding a location, is seeing either a 401 error or a login screen?
Thanks in advance,
@tricias said:
And Dan, are you still seeing the rendering error?
No (only the 1st time that the NEW Google Account SignIn page is displayed, since the previously saved webdialog size was for the old layout.) Once the user resizes the webdialog window, the new window size is saved by Sketchup under the "WebDialog_ModelHere" subkey (PC Registry.)
@tricias said:
What seems to be going on here is that Add Location is mis-behaving - it should never make you login (which might be related to the 401 error as well).
I do not think this is a internal Sketchup "bug", but instead a redirect on the server-side.
It still happens every time I click "Add Location" Regardless of whether or not I am not currently signed in. (I went through the sign-in dialog, and the tooltip for the signin button says I am signed in, but "Add Location" still brings up the Google Account SignIn page.)I tried checking the "Keep Me signed in on this computer" box, and restarting Sketchup (was automatically signed in,) but "Add Location" still brings up the SignIn page.
UPDATE: OK weird... I erased Susan, and had a empty model that was NOT geo-located. Then clicked "Add Location" button (in ModelInfo dialog,) and chose a location in my hometown, grabbed a bit of imagery. I saved the model as "Untitled.skp" and closed Sketchup.
Upon restarting Sketchup, the NON-geo-located template with Susan opened, but clicking "Add Location" now bypasses the SignIn page and goes to the previous location (even though this model is not the one that I saved as geo-located,) and there is no imagery selected, (no biggie there.)SO... it seems that this is the first time I have actually geo-located a model with SU 8.0M1, and in the absence of any locational data for the dialog (in the Sketchup.dat file ??,) the user will get the LogIn page rather than the Add Location page.
Let's hope Google Sketchup will update to a decent working version on Lion before June 30 2012... Many mac-users will have to upgrade to Lion because their Mobileme-membership will expire on that date, they will have to migrate to iCloud, which only works with Lion. Measuring the time it's taking them already I'm not very confident...
@solo said:
I'm curious about the naming of the OS, they are now on lion the 'king of the jungle' (lions don't generally live in jungles) so what comes next? meercat? wombat?
I'm a little concerned to what comes after 10.9.x
"Dead Cat"?
Still not on Lion. Still at 10.6.8 on both machines.
@unknownuser said:
Let's hope Google Sketchup will update to a decent working version on Lion before June 30 2012...
Well this brand new maintenance update sure fixed the scene problem.
@mariocha said:
@unknownuser said:
Let's hope Google Sketchup will update to a decent working version on Lion before June 30 2012...
Well this brand new maintenance update sure fixed the scene problem.
Glad to hear that, however this version is far from being a Lion application: Save does not work as it should, but of greater importance there is no way to achieve Natural Scrolling. You may not like Natural Scrolling, but it's somewhere between arrogant and hostile for Google to recode the software to reverse an action of the OS while purposefully preventing those who understand why scrolling works the way it does in Lion to use Natural Scrolling!
For those users who wish to say they prefer unNatural Scrolling, fine, Apple allows the user to turn Natural Scrolling off--Google, however, will not allow me to turn it back on!
You, could try Scroll Reverser it's FREE, works in SU V8 M2 on Leopard and should on Snow and Lion. sits in Menu Bar and lets you 'switch on the fly'.
My experience [which I've contacted the Developer about] was on first run it used ton of CPU.
however after setting the preferences that can work for this machine [turned off the laptop ones] AND clicked the 'About' item it has settled down and is being a good citizen.
I would install and set-up without SU running next time, as that may have caused the issue.
YMMV, but it might be useful [unless Google changes the behavior back]
@gt5 said:
...but of greater importance there is no way to achieve Natural Scrolling. You may not like Natural Scrolling, but it's somewhere between arrogant and hostile for Google to recode the software to reverse an action of the OS while purposefully preventing those who understand why scrolling works the way it does in Lion to use Natural Scrolling!
For those users who wish to say they prefer unNatural Scrolling, fine, Apple allows the user to turn Natural Scrolling off--Google, however, will not allow me to turn it back on!
(cross-posted from the SketchUp Help Forum)
Hi gt5,
I don't have any evidence to suggest that Apple were thinking about zooming behavior in 3D modeling applications when they implemented "Natural Scrolling" in Lion. On the other hand, we thought pretty hard about that back in the original design for SketchUp. Rolling the wheel forward on your mouse has always caused the camera to zoom in, not out. For most users, Apple's inversion of this critical behavior was not a welcome change.
We considered many options here, including those where we let users re-invert the behavior at the OS level. In the end, we decided that it would be best to simply 'opt-out' of the change and let SketchUp control the scrolling direction by itself.
If you honestly prefer the inverted zooming direction, I'd be happy to discuss the reasons why you think it is better. It is possible that we could introduce a user preference in a future version of SketchUp that allows you to choose the direction you preferโ though in general we try to resist adding new options like that which could confuse new users.
. -
i guess in 3D apps with natural scrolling, your brain would have to detach from the camera and attach to the objects..
ie- scrolling back = pulling the object towards you instead of moving the camera back.. (and i suppose that's actually what's happening when using natural scrolling in 2 dimensional apps as well)
i'm sure i could get used to that if i really had to but i'm so glad we don't have to in sketchup
@gt5 said:
For those users who wish to say they prefer unNatural Scrolling, fine, Apple allows the user to turn Natural Scrolling off--Google, however, will not allow me to turn it back on!
i think you're wording that a little wrong or leaving out some info..
yeah, you can turn natural scrolling on/off but it's system wide instead of app specific.. when i first upgraded to lion, i thought i might try natural scrolling and it does in fact make sense to me but once i opened sketchup, i turned the preference off and never looked, you might have a better point if apple would allow app specific settings of scrolling but they don't so we're (the people that might want natural scrolling for browsers etc but not in other apps) sol..
the main issue i see with google making un-natural (who comes up with these names anyway?) scrolling necessary is that many people using sketchup also use other apps where they prefer similar scrolling so our systems are still set to unnatural scrolling.. the fact that sketchup is locked to our preference is irrelevant.. the only way i'd use natural scrolling now is if my other drawing apps would do what google has done -or- the real solution (imo) is that apple allows the preference to be app specific (in which case, google could undo the forced behavior)..
tough call i guess but i think you'd be better off getting finger pointy with apple and trying to make them change their setup..