How to Post Pics
Note that I only seem to be so wise with other people's issues myself, too.
It was me who suggested the merging of threads. Only because of how impressed I was at them. It was in no way meant in malice. More out of eagerness for others to be able view all of pmolson's excellent series in one area.
It was an idea only, as I still enjoy either 'segmented' or 'welded'
As this is off topic from this thread I'll shut me hole!
There is no problem, Rich, at all. There are opinions (and indeed, some of the topics out of 6 as far as I can remember now) may sink - so anything could be "reasonable" - just up to the OT poster.
@pmolson said:
A little off subject, but it does relate to keeping the house clean.
What is the best method for combining several existing threads into one.
I have started posting a series of homes that I have completed in
separate threads, and it was rightly suggested that I combine them.How?
Hi Pmolson, Hi Gaieus, Hi Rich, Hi Guys,
Just a little trick to add the benefits of all forms.. an idea introduced by Chris Fullmer
When you enter the title of a new topic of a series, just add your "[UnifyingWord]" in front of the title topic. Then you can use SCF advanced search and post the link
. .
And then everybody is happy
pmolson's HOMES
Fredo6 Plugins
ChrisFullmer Plugins
TIG Pluginssimon
This was appended to another thread posting (by me), rather off subject there.
The image shows the SU upload dialog which leads one to believe you can upload more than one attachment at a time but which then ignores the request. I must be doing something wrong as folks seem to be able to use this. Simon mentioned a 3 file limit; if so, the dialog should say so, but I have no success with even 2. After browsing to and adding the files, and hitting the available singular 'add the file', only the first file is added.
The multiple upload feature doesn't work I'm afraid. I'm led to believe Coen (Moderator/Admin) was looking into it?
But you can upload one at a time with no issues!
Thanks, Rich.
Users of Vista and I guess 7 have a surprisingly handy screen capture / annotate tool included with their OS called Snippet in Vista, under 'accessories'; saves are in jpg. It is missing an auto-save feature which Picasa has but which is prone to derailment and which only saves in bmp. IrfanView's screen saver has no auto-save but will convert to jpg prior to save if desired.
I don't use Snippet, it's not too flexible!
Give Screenpresso a go
Thanks for the link, Rich. I tried it and will again but display behavior was actually erratic and jumpy, and I could not easily configure the keyboard shortcuts.
Snippit is available on Windows 7 and thanks for pointing it out. I also use Picasa site to store my photos and seems to work fine, but haven't tried to link to it for the purposes of upload. Thanks for this thread, too.
Klog -
this topic could be expanded to include tips on how to embed videos from youtube and other sources.
A whole discussion on the subject
@unknownuser said:
A whole discussion on the subject
thanks, rich. I even had it bookmarked...
You are so kind, thanks for your guidance.
@remus said:
You use the
tag, more specifically, you do this:[]google ireland[/url]
.Then why not make it:
[url=address here]link name here[/url]instead of or in addition to:
Thanks for the kind information I just join sketchucation and learning the different features of the forums thank buddy once again.....
Hello all, the topic "How to post pics" is so much helpful for me. I also wanted to know that, how to embed videos from youtube and other sources. Thanks for suggestions and the topic.
I've used the "web address" several times, but am eager to know if it is possible to link a webpage to a specific word in a sentence keeping everything tidy and clean, the same way Microsoft word, does?
Of course yes!
For Youtube just use the Balise (little camera above the forum editor system)
For link word : like normal - video youtube
with this balise :
or directly inside the post
PS for obtain the VYoutube video link : Right Click on the Youtube video itself and choose what do you want!
Thank you for the guidance that you provided.