St. Somewhere..
Brilliant work, really like the b&w image the best imho.
All are photograph quality - just a real atmosphere about the b&w one which draws me in!
John, this is absolutely fabulous. What great textures. (Is there a problem with the texturing on the window on the right, though? Looks like it supposed to be there but my eye was instantly drawn to it.)
Without doubt my favourite render of yours.
Your renders are getting so good that people might be starting to wonder if you just take pictures
Very nice job [especially like the last one
Fantastic stone texture. Nice scene.
That's crazy.
speechless again....
Oh my word. The last two look like something out of a book.
Great work! Your amazing textures really take these renders to the next level.
Thank you everyone. I should quit while I'm ahead! (kiddin)
modelhead, the bits of green are done with a dirt brush in PS. I find the brushes can really "dull" down an image if overdone.
Before the final render I realized that the only plugin used was my favorite and most used, Pipe Along Path on the seven down pipe clips. I was going to draw them with the native tools, would have taken 2 mins.
John -
Is there an advantage to using pipe along path over profile builder? Ive used profile builder a long time and have been very happy with it, just wondering if pipe along path has any additional benefits?
jon -
Hello Jon, I've never used profile builder. I think pipe along path is great for what I use it for, rain water pipes, ridge tiles, stone details (sweet shop - 2 posts back)ect. The truth is I use very few Plugins, maybe 6 regularly, 4 sparingly and 4-6 rarely. Sometimes the simpler plugins are the best IMHO; but my models are mainly buildings, Sci-fi models would be a different beast!
John -
Thanks John-I think they pretty much do the same thing, profile builder does have the ability to save a profile (of a rain gutter, for instance) for use on future paths, which I dont think pipe along path has. I just came across profile builder earlier than pipe along path so thats why ive never really switched...
I agree with you about the plugins, although some of the more complex ones do come in handy with unique architecture(like the roof in this recent project of mine: ) or site design (im a landscape architect). Anyways, love your work and keep it up!
Jon -
@hfm said:
Your renders are getting so good that people might be starting to wonder if you just take pictures
Very nice job [especially like the last one
There are photographers that just take pictures and there are photographers who work very hard to make pictures because good pictures don't just happen by themselves.
- did i miss this one.. agreed with the others, best yet! love the b/w.
Geh... gah!
All 3 are fantastic.
@roger said:
@hfm said:
Your renders are getting so good that people might be starting to wonder if you just take pictures
Very nice job [especially like the last one
There are photographers that just take pictures and there are photographers who work very hard to make pictures because good pictures don't just happen by themselves.
Totally agree with that
Tadema, I take my hat off... wait, I don't wear a hat!!!
A great image, with or without hats (and frogs)
And that b&w version is just WOW!!! -
very impressive..your best to date redner really are pushing vray to the max, id love to see what you could with vray within 3dsMax or Maya
Absolutely fabulous.Great textures.B&W is the best!