[plugin] realSection v0.6 Béta (Updated 9/8/2014)
now we are after the 31/1/2011 what happens next ?
as it states that realsection beta expired yesterday & using it really doesnt work now (message pops up saying it's expiresd) ???thanks
My plugin is expired
Is there a new one coming out soon?
thanks -
I get the same problem: It says plugin has expired!
I am on PC XP SU8in EVAL mode.
thanx to help. This plug seems so interesting! -
when Define realSection Material
realSection is expired!
I really have to change the date to 2010 from my computer?
just curious, is access to the plugin over? I'd like to try but doesn't seem like there is anyway to get it now that it has expired.
I also posted a few days ago about that expired plug but not lot of moves there on the subject..?
Please make a sign to us all, very interested in your plugin -
Guy has not logged in since February 3 so must be busy with something else ATM (hopefully everything is okay with him).
You guys can try to send a PM to him and if his preferences are set so, he will be notified by email.
I have installed it today but it has already expired
do you know where can I download a version which is not expired yet or where can I buy this plugin?
hi! i think it's a REALLY useful plugin...
BUT...mine says that is expired! and i just installed it! what should i do?
i would appreciate if you could help me.
thank you
anybody knows where to get the up to date version of realSection? this one has expired
Any time i wont select Define realSectionmaterial a window apear sing real section is expired.
Can someone help me? -
perhaps we should remove from the index any plugins that are no longer functional. this one has not been working for anyone and the author seems to have deserted the forum.
Is there anyone on the forum living in or near Antwerp that could knock on his door? I have e-mailed him several times with no response. He has an active web page. I got this info from the web easy enough
Architectuurburo Wydouw
Address : Hoevensebaan 238, 2950 Kapellen
http://www.wydouw.beI hope he is okay and hope he could either unlock the plug-in as is, give us an update or put a price tag on it. This was very useful. There is at least one other similar plugin around, but I found this one easy to use and worth having.
At this moment realsection is only working at our own office and we don't have the time to make a public version of it. But I will try to build a new public version in a couple of weeks.
Thank you Guy,
sorry to seem to be a pest, but you have quite a few fans that miss your good work!
Thanks. I try do it as quick as possible. The problem is that the plugin we use at our office can't be used by others because there are a lot of hardcoded things in it and I need to do a special cleanup of the code to send it outside.
Does it work with Mac?
thank you~~
its a nice and very useful plugin.
But it not work in my sketchup 2013. even it can show the SECTION MATERIALS box on right click!!??thanks for reply.