Strange Toolbar behavior
So I have a Windows PC that is exhibiting strange toolbar behavior. The tool bars when moved, don't appear to be attached correctly to the mouse pointer, they are offset from it. This makes it really annoying to try and rearrange your tool bars. I deleted the graphic drivers, reinstalled them fresh, I deleted Sketchup and dumped the install directly and did a fresh download and reinstalled it. Still the same behavior. It only happens in Sketchup, not other Windows programs with toolbars.
The computer is a Dell Precision M6300 with an NVidia Quadro FX 1600M. Windows 7 Pro 64Bit. I upgraded to the latest and greatest video drivers from NVidias site, and still no luck. I have attached a video of what happens to this post. Has anyone else seen this issue? And if so, how did you fix it?
Eric, that's very strange. Is it only exhibited when grabbing toolbars?
Yup, only when grabbing toolbars. Everything else seems to work fine...
Very strange. I wonder if clearing SU's registry entries and restarting SU would help.
I'd like a explanation on doing this registry clean. My SU flickers badly on startup with dialogue boxes taking an age to load and toolbars missing icons.
Mine do that flicker thing on another computer.... Does anyone have any good suggestions for clearing the registry? Manually by searching for Sketchup references, or a registry cleaner utility?
Rich and Eric,
Editing the Registry can be bit dangerous if you do the wrong thing but I've never had any difficulty with removing the SketchUp registry entries. It is an At-your-own-risk sort of thing, though. Here's how I do it.
Click on Start>Run.
Type regedit in the box and hit Enter.
Click on the plus signs next to HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SOFTWARE, GOOGLE. Find SketchUp8. Delete this and when you open SketchUp again, it will look like a new installation although all of your plugins, materials and so on will still exist. You'll have to choose your desired Default template and set your toolbars again. I don't remember but I don't think you'll have to re-enter your license info for Pro after doing this. It would be wise to find that info first, though. You could also open the SketchUp8 folder and delete individual entries. You might delete all of the toolbar entries which would require resetting them but wouldn't affect template choice or other things. -
Well I had a look in the regedit and I've hundred of toolbar and custom toolbar entries.
Haven't done anything as yet.
I am going to kill mine off later on today. I'll just set a restore point before I do it....
ThomThom and TIG have talked about all the toolbar entries in the Registry. It seems like there are often more registry entries than there are toolbars. ThomThom made a .BAT file to automatically clear the toolbar entries. As i remember, though, there are two different kinds of toolbar entries and the .BAT file only gets one kind.
If you think its a registry error try this
REG DELETE HKCU\Software\Google /va /f
: Create Backup Restore Google Sketchup8 to DayOne
: THE BACKUP FILE GOOGLESU_.REG can be re-imported back into the registry with a click or two.
: THE DELETION of that registry hive gets recreated by the APPS google apps that use it.
: ITS SAFE to use because of the backup it makes for it DAYOne.CMD or *.BAT either way windows will handle it
Ok, I did this, and like you said everything got reset like it was a new install, but I am still having the exact same issue....
@dave r said:
Rich and Eric,
Editing the Registry can be bit dangerous if you do the wrong thing but I've never had any difficulty with removing the SketchUp registry entries. It is an At-your-own-risk sort of thing, though. Here's how I do it.
Click on Start>Run.
Type regedit in the box and hit Enter.
Click on the plus signs next to HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SOFTWARE, GOOGLE. Find SketchUp8. Delete this and when you open SketchUp again, it will look like a new installation although all of your plugins, materials and so on will still exist. You'll have to choose your desired Default template and set your toolbars again. I don't remember but I don't think you'll have to re-enter your license info for Pro after doing this. It would be wise to find that info first, though. You could also open the SketchUp8 folder and delete individual entries. You might delete all of the toolbar entries which would require resetting them but wouldn't affect template choice or other things. -
So then it's not a defect. It's a feature.
Did you delete the entire SketchUp registry?
Does anything happen differently if you change OpenGL settings? I wouldn't expect so. But who knows? It really seems like a weird graphics problem but if it only happens in SketchUp when grabbing toolbars, then I wouldn't think the graphics card has anything to do with it. The Select tool and inferencing and all that stuff works correctly, right? And it doesn't appear in any other programs.
You are correct on all counts, the only think it effects is the toolbar selection and moving process. Sketchup, and other programs perform perfectly otherwise....
I will try deleting more registry stuff...
Be careful.
Ok, here's an update:
Sketchup's toolbars are still doing that thing that is happening in the video. Other applications on Windows aren't doing this... But, I loaded up an old piece of design software that we have, something that has a really old, Windows XP like set of toolbars, not these slick new ones that you see. THAT program does the same thing. So clearly this is not a Sketchup only problem.
So now I am really stumped. It can't be a hardware issue, and unless I missed something, I did rule a graphics driver issue because I completely wiped the drivers and reinstalled with a fresh, updated set of drivers.
Is there anything related to setting the mouse pointer that would have any effect on this? I'm grasping at straws right now but no one else seems to have any ideas either.
I had a thought about it being some sort of weird accessibility setting, I checked and everything appears to be normal on that front. One thing I haven't tried yet is booting into safe mode....