Pride of Cucamonga
Main engine
Some extra detail added. I'll add the nav lights tomorrow.
Looking good Bryan
Final detail on the main engine.
Detail close up. Lettering and the small vertical and horizontal bars are EVA anchor points.
Detail on opposite side.
Thanks John!
Main fuel tank complete and attached to main engine.
Cool stuff Bryan.
3 modules.
Main Engine
Main Fuel Tank
Service Module
Thanks Dave!
Service Module
Itยดs coming along real nice
Thanks numb.
Ahh space things, my favourite!
@liam887 said:
Ahh space things, my favourite!
Really? I learn something new every day
Keep them coming, guys! -
This is great stuff. Thumbs up.
Thanks Burt and Liam.
The hub looks like it's going to take some time. It's hard to tell, but it looks like there is some kind of sliding hatch over the hub's docking collar for the cargo modules. Also, the docking details for the lander/shuttle are non-existent.
The book also calls for a cargo handler on the opposite side of the lander. I have found one done by gmcgavren in the Warehouse and need to figure out how to attach it or give it a "hanger" module of it's own.
It's a very deceptive looking module.
@bryan k said:
Thanks Burt and Liam.
The hub looks like it's going to take some time. It's hard to tell, but it looks like there is some kind of sliding hatch over the hub's docking collar for the cargo modules. Also, the docking details for the lander/shuttle are non-existent.
The book also calls for a cargo handler on the opposite side of the lander. I have found one done by gmcgavren in the Warehouse and need to figure out how to attach it or give it a "hanger" module of it's own.
It's a very deceptive looking module.
well have fun thats the main thing!
I am!
Preliminary hub module. Does not have the door covers and guide rails for the cargo hatch, yet.
Hub module complete for now.
(cargo handler will come next to last when completing the whole model.)The doors and cargo hatch recesses were a PAIN!
Note the starboard lights.
To date:
Minor update:
Hub module was too long. That's the perils of "guesstimating." More nav lights added. Some inter-module pipes darkened. Cargo hatch lettering adjusted
This is a great thread