Vertex to points
yeah, use thomthom's guide tools
- select curve
- explode curve
- plugins-> guide tools -> CPoint at edge-edge intersection
- delete
Hoops Jeff is quicker _ and once again a ThomThom tool
Hi Larsen,
Very easy!use ThomThom Selection Toys
(an absolute must have!)Select everything you want to remove(curves,faces,lines etc..) including the construction points you want to keep, then context menu (right clic) : "Deselect" sub-menu"construction points". This way everything is selected but the construction points. Now simply delete this resultant selection.
@unknownuser said:
A multi-enries glossary of all plugins is a necessity to avoid such idiot questions
Not very easy, there are soon some more 1500 plugins
So it's more easy to ask someone something particular! -
Thanks TIG for your information. Your modesty defeat your generosity.
Hi to All
Thanks Jeffe,
Thanks SimonReally some Rubies are well-hidden. A multi-entries glossary of all plugins is a necessity to avoid such idiot questions. I am not a database specialist but I think it's feasable.
Of course I will be fired (By who knows) for saying that.Thanks ThomThom for your generosity.