[Plugin] SurfaceGen (0.9.0b) — 28 April 2012
BTW.. the varying size of content seen by jim is most likely due to your using [ font-size: 8pt; ] as although 1px=0.75pt different browsers treat pt oddly,
with safari, in SU, on my mac 8pt is reading as 8px and everything fits if a bit small.
This is very cool.
Two questions:
Is there any noise available? If not that would be a great addition.
I've tried with rand but that isn't noise.A few links to good sites with functions and equations for surfaces would also help getting up to speed.
I've updated the first post with version 0.8.
What exactly do you mean by noise? Surely just adding (rand-0.5) will put noise on the graph? -
Thanks, Diggsey.
Just a minor annoyance. Since the dialog steals the focsus, whenever I select a Surface, my SU shortcuts don't work. For example, select the Surface to move it - press the 'm' shortcut to Move it - can't Move it because the dialog got the keypress.
Unfortunately, I don't think there's a way to give focus back to SketchUp from ruby. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong!)
I don't think so either, and I realize a small change in workflow is all that's required - but as the saying goes "old habits die hard." No worries.
If you pick a surfacegen-entity the surfacegen-dialog appears.
Minimize that surfacegen-dialog.
The focus will then return to the SKP window.
So now you can use shortcuts etc to Move the selected entity etc.
Restore the surfacegen-dialog to change the surfacegen-entity's settings... -
@diggsey said:
What exactly do you mean by noise? Surely just adding (rand-0.5) will put noise on the graph?
With random numbers there is no relationship between a given random and the next random.
Noise however, produces a naturally ordered smooth sequence of numbers with makes it more useful when creating surfaces or textures. (Think surface displacement to create waves and clouds.)
Here's a few links that explain it better than I can:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simplex_noise
http://webstaff.itn.liu.se/~stegu/simplexnoise/simplexnoise.pdf -
Instant roof.
@diggsey said:
Just uploaded a fairly major update to the first post!
Helpful error message are now shown when an expression is invalid.Thank you...helps me take my baby steps
One thing...when I start a new SU file from File -> New, the dialog for SurfaceGen doesn't pop up. It does work if I close SU down completely and restart. I can draw the boundary box, but then cannot do anything else. I opened the Ruby Console while opening a new file, but didn't get any error messages.
nice roof Pixero
but your fonction is not visible.
The rest I think you can see in the picture.
Thanks Diggsey for this incredible plugin!
I have translated the plugin to spanish language.
SurfaceGen v0.8 spanish version -
nice plugin....THX
Me gusta este pluguin,se ve interesante, pero lo veo un poco complicado y de poco uso en Arquitectura, no sé si en otras carreras sea tan útil. Voy a buscarle una función. gracias Oxer.
great plugin !
great job !
El otro dia dije "Gracias Oxer" cuando en realidad quería decir "Gracias Diggsey"
Disculpa. -
a test :
I feel like a 5 year old. The geometric forms created are gorgeous and I haven't the faintest idea how to use this.