How to get dimensions parallel
Doesn't this work:
- Draw a horizontal line, wider than the stairs, where you want the dimension to line up.
- Draw the dimension, using the alt / option key to rotate it, and snap the dimension to the line you drew in step 1.
But I feel like I'm missing something. Someone straighten me out if I am. Edson - LO doesn't have guides, but you can draw lines to snap to, then erase them.
@bjanzen said:
Doesn't this work:
- Draw a horizontal line, wider than the stairs, where you want the dimension to line up.
- Draw the dimension, using the alt / option key to rotate it, and snap the dimension to the line you drew in step 1.
But I feel like I'm missing something. Someone straighten me out if I am. Edson - LO doesn't have guides, but you can draw lines to snap to, then erase them.
thanks for helping. it is a workaround that works in most cases but not in all of them. in your own example the line the dimension snapped to is not parallel to the steps. did you try making it perfectly parallel?
I don't like using dimensions in SU because I can't get them to match the style I prefer in LO. Most of the time I only apply dimensions to orthogonal views but when I must dimension a line in a perspective view, I've found a work around that gets the job done.
I set out some guidelines in SU and dimension between intersections. I set the dimension right at the intersections of the guidelines. Then I explode the dimension, delete the extension lines, draw new ones tracing along the guidelines to get the angles right and I turn on fill for the dimension text box. The dimensions are shown correctly so I don't have to edit the text.
I would like LO to be able to detect that the view being dimensioned is a perspective view and create dimensions automatically like this. I figure the LO4 will have all sorts of new dimension-related capabilities. It's still young.
Been following this thread for a while to see what you guys might come up with, I get myself tied in knots with dimensioning sometimes..... GO DAVE... a workaround that works.
I'd like to know more about peoples' workflow with dimensioning, for example Dave, do you have a post or FW blog yours?ps: I'd love a ruby that put dimensions on their own layer by default.... wait! there it is!!!
Barry, thank you.
I guess I haven't done a blog post specifically on dimensioning but I could. Since dimensioning became available in LO, I almost never use SketchUp's dimensioning tool. As far as my work flow in LO, I generally get all my views set and then start on the first page and insert dimensions where I need them. I try to go through one layer's worth of stuff before doing something else to avoid errors. So my SU views are on one layer, dimensions on another, leader text on a third and so on. I end up going through the document several times but at least I generally get like things on the same layer. I wish layer management was like SU's with the ability to move things to a layer without having to make that layer active.
Dave. Totally agree about clunkiness of layers in LO. (and most of the rest of it actually).
I note you are a believer that boulder will get it betterer in next V, I fervently hope so.
I use it exclusively for any presentation now, tho sometimes I give up and edit in Fireworks or PS to get rid of, for example, pesky dim lines which interfere.
Be great if you did a dim blog post.Here's hoping the planet has a great easter, which, for alien visitors, is the time when we celebrate the life and death of a great man, and the possibilities and potentials of our planets' race's getting it's act together.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll work on them.
It does seem like you have a bit of an apostrophe catastrophe going on.
@dave r said:
It does seem like you have a bit of an apostrophe catastrophe going on.
You are too far cleverer than your own good(one).
G'nite. -
Ah, I see. Thanks Dave. So you're trying to get dimensions in LayOut to match dimensions in SketchUp.
Hi Barry, no. I don't really care about matching LO dimensions to SU dimension. I don't use SU dimensions if I'll be going to LO for the final product. I prefer the control I have over line thickness and arrowhead size as well as arrowhead style in LO. What I would like to see is LO's dimensioning tool being able to do is match the perspective in the SU view. That's a plus for SUs dimensioning tool which I end up faking in LO by using the guidelines as I showed.
@dave r said:
I set out some guidelines in SU and dimension between intersections. I set the dimension right at the intersections of the guidelines. Then I explode the dimension, delete the extension lines, draw new ones tracing along the guidelines to get the angles right and I turn on fill for the dimension text box. The dimensions are shown correctly so I don't have to edit the text.
forgive my thickness but I cannot follow some of your steps. how do you explode a dimension? Iright -clicked on it and there was nothing like explode on the contextual menu.
Edson, I am exploding the dimension in LayOut. You should have that option available to you. In case I wasn't clear, I am not using the dimensioning tool in SU at all. I use the guidelines in SU to assist in placing the dimension in LO.
I came back to this topic as I needed refreshing on LO dimensions only to conclude once more that LO dimensions badly need to be revamped. it is fine to dimension 2D stuff but dimensioning a 3D view is a nightmare, dave's workaround notwithstanding..
let's hope the sketchup people under trimble will take LO ahead.