Which is better ?
hi guys
today I was reading post web site and they were speaking about which is better 3d max or sketch up ?
I read some Comments to ppl there .
in face I don't agree with them but because they said sketch up is weak and they made to Architecture it is not work in Animation just it is made pic 2d( I don't agree this )
we use SU and many PPl here used or using 3d max here
What is difference between 3d max and SU ? -
3D Studio Max costs US$3,495 -- Sketchup Pro costs $495.
If it isn't $3,000 better than Sketchup then they are being ripped off.
Jason. -
@jason_maranto said:
3D Studio Max costs US$3,495 -- Sketchup Pro costs $495.
If it isn't $3,000 better than Sketchup then they are being ripped off.
Jason.Not to mention the open source ability to write more tools for SkecrhUp through the Ruby script language. SketchUp has evolved so much in just the last couple of years due to the above mentioned.
Not many programs can say that. It just continues to get better.
which is better. Hammer A or Hammer B? Screwdriver A or B? tools are tools.. and you use what suits you best for the job at hand...
This is an old topic of discussion.
If you want to be hired by a game studio I would recommend learning everything max has to offer and maybe use SU on some projects. If you just want to be creative and have fun and maybe make a few bucks from time to time SU is recommended.
Max is like a tool shed squized into the size of a swiss army knife and just as unwieldy while SU is the swiss army knife with the added ability of adding or removing the tools you need or not.In fact, if you can learn both and how to use them together that would open lots of doors. Other than that it just depends on what you want to make and for what.
@jamalito said:
What is difference between 3d max and SU ?
What is the difference between oranges and apples?
Different tool for different jobs.
SketchUp is a very good mesh modeller which a shallow learning curve. Though it's not good for animation or complex UV mapping. 3ds Max is a behemoth that does an array of things - covering a wide spectrum of tasks.When it all comes to show, the only thing ever that matters is; can you use the tool (software) you have to complete the job within acceptable time constraints?
That's the core of any software discussion, something which is all too often forgotten by zealots. The process doesn't matter, as long as it gets the job done in an efficient manner. Realise when you need to use a screwdriver instead of a hammer.
thank you so much to these Information
@unknownuser said:
3D Studio Max costs US$3,495 -- Sketchup Pro costs $495.
If it isn't $3,000 better than Sketchup then they are being ripped off.
that is right between SU and 3d max 3000 And a lot of hackers trying to break the max because of the high price
@unknownuser said:
which is better. Hammer A or Hammer B? Screwdriver A or B? tools are tools.. and you use what suits you best for the job at hand...
There is a hammer break anything in one hit and there is a hammer used by a full day you do not break anything this difference, my friend
@marian said:
This is an old topic of discussion.
If you want to be hired by a game studio I would recommend learning everything max has to offer and maybe use SU on some projects. If you just want to be creative and have fun and maybe make a few bucks from time to time SU is recommended.
Max is like a tool shed squized into the size of a swiss army knife and just as unwieldy while SU is the swiss army knife with the added ability of adding or removing the tools you need or not.In fact, if you can learn both and how to use them together that would open lots of doors. Other than that it just depends on what you want to make and for what.
that is right thank you
@unknownuser said:
What is the difference between oranges and apples?
Different tool for different jobs.
SketchUp is a very good mesh modeller which a shallow learning curve. Though it's not good for animation or complex UV mapping. 3ds Max is a behemoth that does an array of things - covering a wide spectrum of tasks.When it all comes to show, the only thing ever that matters is; can you use the tool (software) you have to complete the job within acceptable time constraints?
That's the core of any software discussion, something which is all too often forgotten by zealots. The process doesn't matter, as long as it gets the job done in an efficient manner. Realise when you need to use a screwdriver instead of a hammer
I like idea apple and orange
max is very good in animation
thank you thomthom to these Information -
@jason_maranto said:
3D Studio Max costs US$3,495 -- SketchUp Pro costs $495.
If it isn't $3,000 better than SketchUp then they are being ripped off.
Jason.And SketchUp Free is Free!
However, if you are using the product to create a proposal for a potential client and a large project, then any of these prices may be insignificant in your decision.
If one product is actually better - and makes it easier for you to close significant contracts, then the difference in cost is not really important.
I never said it wasn't better -- I said it was only logical that it would be substantially more capable considering the substantial cost difference... if it wasn't then there is a value problem.
3D Studio Max can do many things that Sketchup can not (and should not) -- if a user is wanting Max like functionality out of Sketchup they are being unrealistic... this falls squarely into the category of "you get what you pay for" and "use the right tool for the job".
It's not really a matter of apples to oranges -- it more akin to the difference between a Toaster Oven vs. a Car Baking Oven... if you want a small snack the Car Bake Oven is overkill and if you want to dry an automotive paint finish then a Toaster Oven is all but useless.
Jason. -
depends what your doing, but if you can afford the price £200/3000+ and the time to learn its ins and outs then max its mostly superior except maybe for speed of modeling hard surface stuff. You can always combine and export quick SU models into max to develop them further. Also texturing in SU is awful.
I have worked with a few 3D guys who do games etc and I can still go head to head model wise with SU it just depends what you want to do they are both just tools at the end of the day.
Why choose, get both.
@marian said:
Max is like a tool shed squized into the size of a swiss army knife and just as unwieldy while SU is the swiss army knife with the added ability of adding or removing the tools you need or not.
beautifully put!