[Plugin] Extrude Edges by Rails to Lattice
simn le bon , very nice job , how did you do to have this form plz
can you make tutto ? -
There's a new version of EEbyRailsToLattice in the zipped set.
The change is to the way the Line only versions are Grouped...
http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=242239#p242239 -
AWESOME!!! Thank You very much for ANOTHER very helpful tool!!!
@robert111 said:
simn le bon , very nice job , how did you do to have this form plz
can you make tutto ?Thank you Robert,
very simple.
RE: take care to carefully place the component axis (the blue axis is going to follow the curves)Then You will need Component Stringer from (our wellknown very nice fellow) Chris Fullmer
It is recommended to apply a shortcut to this plugin :_ Window/ Preferences/ Shortcuts: for example Alt+c
Because we have now to apply it one by one to each diagonal curve.
that's it!
Have you some easy trick for make faces with the 2 diagonals lattices?
If the profiles and rails are parallel [copied etc] the diagonal lines are not needed for face forming - hence the prompt to remove them.
BUT if you make a lattice of the two sets of diagonals [regrouped and exploded], then they do not make coplanar quads and so they can't take faces - of course by adding a diagonal to a quad it will face, but then you have then gone 'full circle' and might as well have used plain EEbyRails in the first place !
So diagonal 'diamond' lattices won't take faces.
This is about as near as you can get - make a quarter using EEbyRails, copy the mesh to one side, Scale -1 to mirror the diagonals and overlay the two so the 'diamonds' form, then manually erase the unneeded orthogonal lines to get the diagonal lattice - note it must have some horizontals to let it 'bend' over. Rotate-Copy x3 to form the whole. Now use Windowizer to add the frames/panes ? -
cool plugin
thanks, thanks,thanks. -
@TIG : THX for the precision!
But for this sort of thing prefer this maybe more easy
I have used Windowiser by Rick Wilson and this little useful plug of Multiple face Offset by Remus, Selection Toy by Thomthom and of course your Inverse Selection! -
There's an updated zipped set available http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=242239#p242239
All lingvo files have been updated. -
Thanks TIG, truly marvelous tool!!
one question, though - is there a function to generate 3d geometries on the diagonals? the same effect of "extrude edges by rail by face" but for diagonals.
right now i can get the diagonal lines using "extrude---to lattice", but i'll have to "follow me" each line with a profile.
thanks a lot! -
Use the EEby lattice tool to make a mesh of only the diagonals as lines - one of the options [no 3D yet].
Now you have a set of grouped curves == the diagonals.
You might want to do a bit of un-grouping/regrouping now...
We'll now use EEbyFace...
Draw a face as a profile on the 'flat', in the same entities set as these curves [remember the face's Y=up when extruded].
Use the preselected face and curves with EEbyFace - you should get the face used to form an extrusion with each of the diagonal curve's as a path, in turn... -
Thanks TIG! that's a great tool that i overlooked. it's a lot better than doing follow me on every curve.
i was just wondering how i could make a lattice dome with this plugin
and btw thx for these awesome plugins !!!!!!
@crevard said:
i was just wondering how i could make a lattice dome with this plugin
and btw thx for these awesome plugins !!!!!!
Make a quarter of the dome and then Polar-Array Copy it with Rotate+Ctrl, explode the 4 groups and regroup as 1 etc... See this quick example:
yes ! this will be really handy in future with my studies !
that's really cool now i begin to understand the concept , thanks to you ( RESPEEEECT !!!! )
i cant work this plugin out, how do i start, when i start extrude edges by edges, i t asks me to select the profile and then the path, but the cursosr gets blocked, i cant select anything.
i' running sketchup 8 -
@dem0s said:
i cant work this plugin out, how do i start, when i start extrude edges by edges, i t asks me to select the profile and then the path, but the cursosr gets blocked, i cant select anything.
i' running sketchup 8DemOsI am confused.
You post in the EEbyRailsToLattice thread BUT then write about EEbyEdges which is a different tool ?
However, the tool's request for a profile and path [?] suggest a 'rails' based tool, because EEbyEdges needs two preselected groups and no 'profile' etc.Can you clarify which tool it is you are having difficulties with - there are several variants.
If it's an EEbyRailsxxxxx type you need to have premade curves [either arcs of lines 'welded' into a curve using weld.rb, an indispensable utility available free from Smustard.com].
You are first asked to pick the Profile curve [the curves highlight in different colors as you pick them]
Then Rail 1 curve [which can't be the Profile again]
Then Rail 2 curve [which can't be the Profile again, BUT could be Rail 1 if a 'parallel' railed mesh is desired - usually it's another curve]
Then the Melding-Profile [which can't be Rail1 or Rail2, BUT could be the Profile if you don't want any morphing along the rails]
The mesh is made [and you are prompted about various aspects of the lattice etc depending on the specific tool type]...Can you run the tool with the Ruby Console open and report any error messages etc...
Note that an alternative to EEbyRailsToLattice is to use EEbyRails first to make a mesh surface and then post process it with my 'LatticeMaker' tool which gives similar results, BUT this route allows you to tweak the mesh [with View > Hidden Geometry > 'on'] before making the Lattices from it...
i am using EEbyEdges, and when i try to use it, i cant select anything at all.
can u explain me every step that i should do.Should i select the profile etc before i run the plugin?
Draw your curves
then call the plug
then click your Profil, Rail 1, Rail 2, melding profil (depending of what Extrude Edges tools you use and number of curves)
that all