Table cloth made easy [Tutorial]
that was sweet. but i dont have the plugin. can you show us some other way on how to do that? thanks.
The free one is here
The normal version is here
All at -
@unknownuser said:
The free one is here
The normal version is here
All at smustard.comi downloaded the free version.
it shows up in the windows menu. but when i click it nothing happens. i try grouping the object, no holes as mention. but nothing appears. pls. help. thanks. -
Select any volume (triple clic) Not grouped!
Menu Tool / Catmull Clark Subdivision
(wait a moment follow the size and level of subdivision)
Press Erase or Move the original selected (because generally the result is inside and not visible)
Et voilà : you can start again but be careful at the number of subdivision! -
Hey Pete,
Judging by your screen shoots, I noticed you have quite a few tool icons. Wow...maybe when you have time, you could list the plugins and or rubies. Thanks and really nice straight forward tut. Easy to follow.
Good tutorial. Thaks you.
solo any chance you can zip up your plugins folder (excluding any commercial plugins of course)
I have never seen so many tools in sketchup... it would really help many users for a complete zip file of your plugins you use.
U have a list here,choose what you like.
Screenshots are not showing.
403 Forbidden This file removed due to violation of ImageShack Terms of Service or by user request.
Any chance of us being able to see the pictures again?
@nantax said:
Screenshots are not showing.
Well, we cannot do anything with that as Imageshack is out of our scope and powers. This is why attaching images straight to the posts is best.
great tut.
now I need another tut on how to texture such irregular surface with anything more than a a simple color.
Hi Pete,
Like Rocky already posted, there are no more pictures available... I'd love to see your tutorial, do you still have the pics?
alex -
And me too
And me also.
Me too. At the moment I have a tableclothing problem
Is there a way to make a new tablecloth tutorial?
Here you'll find a tut by eartmover about blankets and pillows. Also if you search for blanket Mr. Alan Fraser from FormFonts makes some suggestions! -
Thank you. I have seen this thread and I installed the plugins but I didn't understand how to use it, so I hoped to find an easier way like in this thread.
Unfortunately there is no tutorial to do it.
I'm glad I'm not the only one.
The plug-in looks great, but I don't have a clue how to implement it.