Stretching with an offset + stretching on all sides
Oh, of course! Thanks.
Would be interesting, though, if you could just do something like +5m in the Scale tool and it would do the same thing.
BTW, while we're on the subject, I am having trouble inserting a value when I "scale on all sides" (CTRL+scale): typing a number doesn't work.. what's going on there?
You are falling it the Scaling Pythagoras Trap !
When you scale from the center on a diagonal and type in a scale value it scales the XYZ sides to match, but when you type in a dimension it sets the size of the diagonal, not the XYZ sides size.
So for example if you have a 1m cube and use Scale+Ctrl and type in 500mm the cube scales about its center so that the diagonal is now 500mm long - if you wanted the sides to be 500mm long you should have typed 0.5...
You need to do a bit of pre-planning and work out the ratio first NewSize/OldSize = scale_factor - here 500mm/1000mm=0.5.
Entering a dimension is pretty impractical in this type of scaling unless you do want the diagonal to become a set length...
Alternatively use the uniform Scale + Ctrl with a side handle and the modifier 'Shift' key and type 500mm to make all edges 500mm, scaling from the center ???
For this reason I do not even use the diagonal scaling (well, unless I want to do some quick and dirty operation). The side grips are much more easy to work with - just use the mod keys to scale uniformly and such.
@tig said:
You are falling it the Scaling Pythagoras Trap !
When you scale from the center on a diagonal and type in a scale value it scales the XYZ sides to match, but when you type in a dimension it sets the size of the diagonal, not the XYZ sides size.
So for example if you have a 1m cube and use Scale+Ctrl and type in 500mm the cube scales about its center so that the diagonal is now 500mm long - if you wanted the sides to be 500mm long you should have typed 0.5...
You need to do a bit of pre-planning and work out the ratio first NewSize/OldSize = scale_factor - here 500mm/1000mm=0.5.
Entering a dimension is pretty impractical in this type of scaling unless you do want the diagonal to become a set length...
Alternatively use the uniform Scale + Ctrl with a side handle and the modifier 'Shift' key and type 500mm to make all edges 500mm, scaling from the center ???
Yes yes, I usually use a scaling factor when I do this, so it's not a problem...My problem is that I CAN'T type a number when I press and hold CTRL (or CTRL+SHIFT)!
@agamemnus said:
...My problem is that I CAN'T type a number when I press and hold CTRL (or CTRL+SHIFT)!
Don't then. Start the operation with these mod keys - then release them, type your value and hit Enter without ever touching them again. SU is smart enough to remember what you are up to!
I can type it in - perhaps I release ctrl/shift as I do it and then re-press ?
I'm on PC what's yours ? -
do your second click (or release mouse button, depending which way you work) to end the scaling, then type your values and SU will adjust accordingly even though you ended the operation. its like drawing a line; then entering length, doesn't matter that its already done SU will resize it.
Now is that a question Rocky or a statement?
Please, note that my English is really bad and it's 22:30 here already (and I did not sleep last night)
its a fact, jack.
try it
Then it seems to be the same as what I wrote above.
right, sorry, but you don't mention clicking the mouse which is the key action. try it exactly the way you explain it and it doesn't work because your releasing ctrl+shift without finishing the scale.
I never "click again" with the scale tool just release it. Also when not using these keys. And it works for me this way (too)
@xrok1 said:
do your second click (or release mouse button, depending which way you work)to end the scaling, then type your values and SU will adjust accordingly even though you ended the operation. its like drawing a line; then entering length, doesn't matter that its already done SU will resize it.
i guess you use the click(hold) drag release method. i use the click, move, click again method.
No, click-move-click here, too. Especially with the PushPull tool I could never get used to click-drag-release. But with the scale tool (now I just realise) when this setting is on, both method works just fine. Try it; click, drag and release. Then enter the value.
this is why you can do it either way.
i wonder if we should report each other for spamming this thread?
i know what your saying but if you leave it on auto detect it works either way all the time. you don't have to decide, you can alternate if you wish.
I am an old man who does not like to try out anything new.
I could never understand this philosophy of forcing the user to input stuff in stages, without telling the user what those stages are. Same with copying with ctrl and then pressing "x10" or whatever. There's no interface that says "now enter the amount of copies made you want-- you have to remember!
It's simply un-intuitive to have to type in the number and press enter AFTER the operation.. I am going to forget all about this in a few months and post the same question.