[Plugin] Repeat Copy UPDATED 2-24-2010
I just wrote and released a new script called Repeat Copy, based on the request made in this thread . Repeat Copy can be downloaded from smustard for $8.00 USD.
Download Repeat Copy at Smustard
This script allows you to quickly add copies of components to your model by just clicking where the copy should be added. Its a great way to quickly add component copies to a model.It is installed in Plugins > Chris Fullmer Tools > Repeat Copy. To use it, first select a component or series of components, then activate the Repeat Copy tool. Clicking anywhere in the model will add a copy of one of the selected components. It randomly selects a component to place based on the selected components at the time the script is initiated. Holding ctrl will force it to place components in order instead of randomly.
v1.6 Update lets you move the user interface by clicking and dragging in the upper left box of the User Interface!
v1.5 Update includes rotation and scaling plus a new OnScreen Interface!
http://www.youtube.com/user/ChrisFullmer#p/u/11/_Rm9Os6bix4Hope you like it!
Very useful...I've wished for this many times. I really like the instruction video too
Free suggestion
Cool but will be very more cool if by option that works too as long as you don't release the left mouse button! -
very good plugins.
perhaps could add two variables.
max and min scale
rotate max and minis it possible?
That is a possibility. I already wrote a script that randomzies scale and rotation of components, but it works on a selection of components, not like this where this could randomize them on insertion into the model, which would be cool.
So we'll see, it might find its way into this plugin in time.
Nice plugin Chris, and as the others said, some options to randomize scale and/or rotation could be great.
Thanks anyway !!
Well Done, Chris, great plugin!!! Simple but effective. Going there now to buy; it'll save me plenty of time........
Sweet!, thanks Andrew!
This is a preview of the updates that are currently available in the version 1.5 that is available for download at smustard. $8.00(USD).
Here's a quick teaser video that shows what I've added to it
I think its pretty cool.(no sound)
http://www.youtube.com/user/ChrisFullmer#p/u/11/EK3DkcTwJgoDownload Repeat Copy at Smustard
That's really slick, Chris! I think that sort of on-screen interface fits nicely into the "SketchUp way" of working.
Lookin' good, look forward to giving it a whirl
chris excellent. very good update.
and innovative user interface, NO? -
looks promising, Chris - great job/development.
I agree w/ Pilou - holding down mouse button should continue placing components 1 every half second or something reasonable like that... would have to try it out to see what is a 'reasonable' speed - something fast enough, but not so fast you can't control it.
Love your work, Chris!
Your scripts are so simple, mate. I will continue to support the cause....I just saved $2.24AU....
Great, thanks Andrew!
Yeah, I thought $6.00 was a good simple price for a pretty cool plugin. But Once I took the time to put in those cool buttons, I think is sort of steped up a level in complexity and coolness. Hence the small price jump. So I'm glad you were able to get in on it while it was only $6.00
BTW - I just finished updating the new version, it has been uploaded to smustard, along with a new video tutorial. Thanks to everyone for cheking this script out, and for the helpful ideas. I will still be looking at them into the next update, or perhaps an even more comprehensive version of this script.
So how do I D/L without paying the new fee?
How do i update?
@unknownuser said:
How do i update?
I just clicked on link in the old email
Is there a way to move dialog box, seems stuck in top left corner.