Product Ideas for SketchUp
Why not enable us pro users to drag and drop the files SU can import? OR Make Sketchup import the things it's able to import when we choose open with sketchup? Then the users like me who always start with an existing file (me: dxf) don't have to launch SU and import 50 times a day. We could set SU as the default for those files and double click.
Not sure if asking for multiprocessor support is much point. Instead, ask for what you expect the results to be when you ask for multiprocessor support - faster speed. Let them decide how to implement it. Hard to make assumption to what can be done.
Hi guys,
I have also added the request for Ruby 1.9.0 or later. Make sure to vote for it
As it might be lost among all suggestions, you can always find it using the search at the top of the page. Keyword: ruby 1.9.0.Cheers,
JernejPS: I have some more suggestions, but I can not post them anymore. I always get "Error parsing response"... Does anyone have similar problems?
I had similar problem. To me it worked again after I just typed "test", then when I suggested other similar ideas I type in my real request again.
Good suggestions btw - I'll make sure to vote for it.
I know it's a very basic suggestion, but I've suggested that the VCB window should be longer in size (!). Perhaps there's a way of doing this, but I have never figured it out?
@troyhome said:
just the basics: multiprocessor support
I'm surprised that this isn't already supported considering that SU is one of the few CAD systems that has actually been built in Apple's Cocoa. Cheetah3D is another Cocoa app, and this automatically makes use of any multiprocessors- especially when rendering. Because of Cocoa, shouldn't SU also automatically be 64-bit too? Maybe I'm just having fanboy disillusions?
From what the developers have said its actually quite hard to thread the major elements in SU, so that is most likely why there isnt multi processor support yet.
Intel plans already to combine hundreds of atom chips (or even smaller chips) to spare energy. So I think multi core support is something that should be solved by operating systems and not by every single application. It is insane when every little programmer has to struggle with this.
I can imagine that virtualization could supply a solution. With VirtualBox I can simulate a 32 core system. I have not tried if it is possible to simulate less cores than I actually have.Does someone know more about this?
The Sketchup developers said that they will optimize the communication between processes in the graphics card and processes on the cpu (because they are closely linked).
Its really not as easy as you make out. For an app to be multi threaded there needs to be definite separate processes that can run at the same time without having to 'talk' to each other. Although operating systems can make multi threading easier they can certainly not eliminate the need for a program to be written in a multi threaded manner.
My suggestion is much simpler. have 1 extra drop down box inside the entity info box. I think it should be some type of record button that lets you choose wher you want the entity info results placed for later use (spead sheet or note pad etc etc).
It's now closed. Thanks for posting this, Gai, and thanks for the feedback, all.
Hope you guys have had good ideas but even more hope that you pick mine to develop next.
(Topic unstuck now)
Pick mine! Pick Mine!
It now says that all voting and suggestions are closed. Wow. That didn't last long. Oh well.....
Seems strange to close the voting as well, would have thought it would makes sense to leave it open to try and get a better idea of what people want.
It is open again!
Still some of the most popular (and important!) ideas could be posted again, but have a look in the SketchUp forum where John Bacus was so nice to give some understandable thoughts from Google's perspective.
And don't forget that he was bringing those back that were th top ten ideas. Some of them enthusiastically wished herebut others are not.
Th user base is definitely much wider than SCF.