Construction & Working Drawings - Discussion
I am currently working my way through some projects using only SU and LO. I am at the Building Reg. stage so your drawing 3 is very relevant to me.
My experience so far, using LO, has been that it is quite tricky to use - almost too easy to inadvertently make scale, rotation, and move changes. However by carefully locking layers as you go I think I have overcome this issue.
As regards the section, my approach has been, for detailed work, to draw the roof eaves section in 2D and extrude it, which seems to work quite well. Given that 'hatching' is essentially a drawing board technique, pre-dating CAD, I am accepting that I don't need to hatch everything - sometimes a simple tone will do (just what SU is good at!). I have created a squiggly line to represent insulation, made it into a component and just stick it where it is needed.
I realise (as can be seen on the attachment) that you need to be very tidy in the modelling, as all the little stray bits will show up.
At times LO has driven me mad, but I am sticking at it and hope I can make it work.
Here is some work in progress - still needs more notes and tweaking, but you get the idea.Davd
Gav wrote
@unknownuser said:
As far as things go these are about average/above average as to the end result I need to submit for planning/ building regs. I have tried my best to get an end result to look like this with SU/LO but I'm afraid it just doesn't happen. And if it where to happen it would take far to long.
I have to agree, like others had said I'd love to get as much cad as possible out of the workflow, and yes LO can handle an A1 sheet but LO still lacks the robustness of a cad system. I do use LO frequently for small jobs but in the same way that BIM probably doesn't suit everybody, I don't need to model everything in 3d to get the drawings out. So some 2d drawing and annotation aspects of the process just wouldn't be worth wrestling with in LO - that is not to say it can't be done, I absolutely agree that it can, but just that at the moment cad offers me a more robust toolset for handling 2d entities.
I've added 3 drawings of pretty simple jobs, not to prove any particular point. All involve some SU. I know that I could have done the layouts in LO or CAD but at the moment cad is the most efficient route for me. The first two drawings are 2d views all extracted from SU but the client didn't need much detail, (so in the case of the second drawing, yes LO did the job). But the third drawing, only a small project, would you really want to draw even a simple section like that in SU?
I've started to draw roof tiles the same way, it makes for a nicer visual rather than a flat plane with a stuck on texture.
Agree on the hatching too, but the end user only sees a paper based drawing, so while hatching isn't needed for digital clarity, once it is on paper hatching is still helpful. -
Hi all,
This is my first post, but this seems a sensible place to put it. Ive been using Sketchup and Layout the last few months now for producing precast concrete and structural steel shop drawings for construction purposes. (see attached examples).
Havent had any problems with getting the drawings approved by the project engineers, and the drawings are generally of better quality thens some others I have seen. I have found the dimension feature of LO2.1 to be extremely useful, as previously I was dimensioning my models within SU and hoping they would come out OK. Any feedback on the drawing would be appreciated!
Anyway, this forums been loads of use, and hopefully continues to be.
Good to see another Kiwi in here. Those drawings you are doing look fine to me....coming from an Architect and not an engineer.
@cmc007 said:
I have found the dimension feature of LO2.1 to be extremely useful, as previously I was dimensioning my models within SU and hoping they would come out OK. Any feedback on the drawing would be appreciated!
Hello and welcome!
Really good to see such drawings done with SU+LO
My question is: The whole model is in Sketchup and the annotations and dimensions in LO?
Or have you done something more with LO? -
The entire model was build within Sketchup in 3d, rather then just producting a 2d line drawing. All annotations and most dimensions were done within Layout. I have just directly inserted the 3 different views of the same model into Layout and gone from there.
That looks good Christian. I am interested to know is the thick lines of the reinforcing were done within SU? and is fo how?
Came up with a new procedure for linking the SU - LO files that allows for 'hatched' walls as shown in the file below. No 'make faces' plug-in needed, so walls/hatch all update with the model.
Also came up with a dashed lines routine using a custom sketchup style with dashed lines. The only thing that sucks about it is that you have to have it render in 'raster' instead of vector so the dashed lines are kind of fuzzy looking.
Models consist of a few layers - Walls (e), (r), (n), a floor/details/cabinets/stair/doors layer, and an 'above' layer. I like the looks of the final result and have only a few comments about layout:
Ok so here is the deal: after going through this whole experience with SU-LO, I am seriously looking at buying Vectorworks. Yeah it's not as fun but I'm getting paid to be productive and LO makes it really hard.
I've come up with a nice template file now that should save me some time, but seriously do I want to have to go through this crap every time with SketchUp? Making construction docs, even just a respectable floor plan, is painful at best. As much as I like Google I honestly know that they don't give a crap about architects/designers. It's too bad because they have a product that could be pretty good if they cared to develop a few things about it. Sad, too, I used to be SU's biggest supporter.
Aw, come on, baseLINE, you're not motivating me to help out here. You can crudely do most of this, keep it on a scrapbook and quickly reuse. There's different styles of drafting symbols in the TB- scrapbooks.
When you mention "Also came up with a dashed lines routine using a custom sketchup style with dashed lines. The only thing that sucks about it is that you have to have it render in 'raster' instead of vector so the dashed lines are kind of fuzzy looking. ", please select the model in LayOut and render as vector (in the SketchUp Model inspector) and they'll look sharper. I've played around with crude hatching patterns doing this, and it's not totally worthlessly sucking bad
Work with me here, people.
Bjanzan, SU/LO is a great product, but is this an invitation to say what I'd like to see in layout? LO is great for presentation, and some documentation, but falls short of tools for a full set of construction documents. The following for starters:
- Professional CAD type controls, and formatting of lines, line fonts, cross hatching, dimensions, and text, including tables, schedules, general notes, keynotes, and labels.
- Parametric drawing between 3d model, 2d plans, 2d sections, 2d elevations (interior, and exterior), dimensions, text, and labels.
- Parametric labels relating, sheet number/name, detail number/name, and drawing index. Select a label and go to that drawing, scene, or view (within SU, LO, or external application).
- Plot drawings organized like a set of construction documents.
- I/O with HPGL, and other conventional CAD formats.
- Hooks to written specifications, and BOM.
- Command line to type in commands (menu is too slow for some sequences). Nested commands. Command line script support (for those who can not Ruby).
I really don't know what I need, but can recoginze the value of a tool. How can we help?
Thanks. We appreciate suggestions. Quickly though (until noon today Mtn time, Oct 22, 2009) you can add them to SketchUp's suggestions at (if they're LayOut related, put them under pro), or vote for ideas you like!
@pgarch said:
That looks good Christian. I am interested to know is the thick lines of the reinforcing were done within SU? and is fo how?
Everything was modelled within sketchup. The reinforcing is a 12mm DIA circle extruded along a line, then filled Black.
I modelled each precast panel in their entirety so I could foresee any issues/clashes with the reinforcing layout.
Here is an example of a small project entirely done with Su & LO.
Wanted to test the possibility. I like it a lot. Modifications are a breeze.
Speed and dashes need to be quite better thought.
@bjanzen said:
Aw, come on, baseLINE, you're not motivating me to help out here...
When you mention "Also came up with a dashed lines routine using a custom sketchup style with dashed lines. The only thing that sucks about it is that you have to have it render in 'raster' instead of vector so the dashed lines are kind of fuzzy looking. ", please select the model in LayOut and render as vector (in the SketchUp Model inspector) and they'll look sharper. I've played around with crude hatching patterns doing this, and it's not totally worthlessly sucking bad
It's not my job to motivate you. Man-up and put out a viable product, or people are going to go somewhere else.
Also you can't do vector with a dashed linestyle (from style builder) because it turns it into a solid line. But thanks for assuming that I didn't know how to switch between vector and raster in layout, that was awesome.
Just read what you wrote, it's f*ing garbage. As somebody on the SketchUp team, your job is either to say "you're right we'll get on that" or don't say anything at all. You make me mad when you are apologizing for it's shortcomings. Just make it better, thats your job so just do it. wtf.
BaseLINE, please, watch your language.
Dashed lines of those sketchy edges cannot be displayed in vector rendering mode because sketchy styles of that nature (made with StyleBuilder) are all raster image (png) based lines. LO is not an application to turn raster images to vectors.
When working in vector rendering mode and exploding your SU model in LO, you can edit any line to give them different weights or dashes. This is not a SU feature (never has been and never has been suggested that it would ever be) so obviously you cannot expect to bring anything like that from SU to LO.
Um, I'll let Gai take care of this. Unless you write details out of what you're trying to do, I have to make assumptions in your case and try to provide answers. I could just come back at every request with more questions, but I tend to think it moves this process too slowly, so I'll take a stab at an answer with limited information. Even if it doesn't help you personally, immediately, this is a community forum and it may help someone else.
Man up? Hahahahaha....
Well this thread managed to last nine pages before somebody started swearing. Bjanzen your input is welcomed, by most of us.
Gaius, thanks for the advice you're the man. However this is just a hack - honestly we need dashed lines in layout, like an option or a style in layout to dash all lines on a layer.
bjanzen, why don't you send me a set of construction docs you've put together with LayOut. If they look halfway decent then i'll shut up.
Point is LayOut is 'nice', and it works OK, but it's 'nice' in the same way that doesn't get you laid at a bar. We need something with some real horsepower, maybe not something that can design the next high-rise but at least something that can hold it's own.
Ok i'm going to stop talking about this until I have something real to report. Updated CDs should be done this week i'll post them.