Problem with specifying measurement when drawing
Hi Peter,
You do not click into the Measurement box (or hit the Tab button so it goes there) I suppose...
Just start typing (at least that's how it has always worked on Windows - I'm not sure about the Mac but there may have been differences) -
Yea, on PC, the Measurements box never gets highlighted, and for some reason on Mac, it does and then doesn't accept input. You can make it go away by tabbing out of the Measurements box or making sure it isn't highlighted. We're looking at it.
(see, I can forget "VCB" if I want too)
Happily, not having any such issue on my iMac.
@unknownuser said:
(example 200mm;200mm)
doesn't work for me either.. it does work if i use a comma instead of a semi-colon though.
extruding works fine too but then again, i'm on a mac. -
I just downloaded the upgrade to SketchUp Pro 7.1. I am running Mac
OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard on a MacBookPro. I immediately discovered that most inputs to
the text entry field (lower right) had no effect (couldn't change
dimensions, numbers will highlight but no change takes effect.) I have read similar posts but
haven't found a fix yet other than reinstalling SketchUp Pro 7 -
@bjanzen said:
for some reason on Mac, it does and then doesn't accept input.
Hi. My name is Tom, I'm new to the forum.
Just want to add, that I'm repeating the same problem here (it is driving me nuts). Choose the pencil tool, draw a line, then key in the length or just key in length after choosing the tool, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
As well as the refusal to accept data on occasions, I've also go a similar problem with angle snapping from a point, using the pencil tool, where snapping will work momentarily (usually only once), then disappears/ stops working.
Both of these bugs are very frustrating.
Also, If you could also increase the size of the data input window (for length), I often find that when working in centimetres or millimetres, the string is so long, the numbers get lost, and I only see the last few.
- Make sure that the Dimensions box does not have focus (highlight color). If you avoid this, it will work as normal, where normal is: draw your line via click, move, click, then type 10' and you get a 10' line.
- What's your setting for Model Info->Units? I think default angle snapping is 15º. Is yours set to that? You can also turn off HW accel and fast feedback (preferences->OpenGL) and see if that changes anything.
i have posted this bug earlier but i am still looking for help. sketchup 7.1 on a macbook pro with snow leopard will not allow me to change the dimensions on a rectangle, circle, line, etc. when i type in the new measurements and press return the box highlights and nothing happens. i am unable to draw if i cannot specify measurements. is there anyone at sketchup that has a hint for what is happening here. i have tried all the suggestions in posts with no success. i have reinstalled 7.1 three or four times without change. sketchup 6 will still work with snow leopard. thanks, jack
Hi Jack,
It seems that the Mac used to work differently than the Windows - until now. Mac users seem to have highlighted the VCB/Measurement box (either by clicking into it or Tabbing into it or sort of like that).
Don't do that - more exactly make sure you don't highlight the Measurement box - just type your values and hit Enter.
Gaieus, thanks you for the suggestion. It worked! This is different than the way previous versions of sketchup have performed of my computers, but easy to adjust to. Thanks,