your modelling is perfect
Man can't believe that's sketchup...
How about some wireframe shot.
Get the heck outta here! You can't tell me that's been textured in SU?..... and if so, HOW?
SCF really needs a "we're not worthy" smiley.
You should start a new thread for this so more people see it.
Yeah, those texture images make one suspect another application (also) involved. Like with this sphinx in the WH - that image is definitely not a "plain" texture applied in SU. So what was your workflow here?
I wish SU had better texturing tools - and even plugins are very scarce.
And yes, indeed, I think both the locomotives (great job, BTW) and the dragon deserve their own topic. If you want, I can split the topic.
OK, thanks, Radu for explaining. This makes sense (and me less jealous for something I thought didn't know about SU)
The texture was made in photoshop (obviously), however, the texture UVW mapping was made in Blender (it's free), you export your SU model as .3ds or .obj, spend 5-10 minutes creating the layout, export it from Blender and import it in SU as .3ds and the UV coords get carried through. Apart from the texture the model has applied to it a displacement map and bumpmap.
This is one of probably three dinosaur models that will populate my paleoscene.
Indeed, would be great if SU would possess such a tool/plugin, I just wish I knew about it before I started projecting plane textures on the locomotive, it would of spared me 8 hours.
Also, there be no dragons here
No matter what wikipedia says, these monsters are dragons to me.
Thanks for explaining that workflow, I'll have to take another look at Blender if it has such good UV mapping tools.
Is this still rendered in V-Ray for SU? If so I'm suprised the UV mapping from the imported Blender mesh renders properly in V-Ray- I was led to believe by one of the developers that distorted maps in SU couldn't be "read" properly by render plugins.
I had no idea there was such a problem/speculation, it works fine for me. However, remember not to go over 2048x2048.
Call me biased but this is not as impressive as your locomotives, but i can understand wanting to change....maybe ?
@raduteo said:
I had no idea there was such a problem/speculation, it works fine for me. However, remember not to go over 2048x2048.
V-Ray can read any size of diffuse bitmap, so there's no reason you can't load a huge bitmap into SU and although it will be downsampled to 2048 x 2048 in the SU viewport, V-Ray will render it at full resolution.
I'm intrigued about the UV mapping, it may only be SU's in-built UV mapping tool which doesn't work properly with render plugins.
@dolphus said:
Call me biased but this is not as impressive as your locomotives, but i can understand wanting to change....maybe ?
However much you prefer locomotives, how you could find anything negative to say about such incredible modelling and texturing is beyond me.
@unknownuser said:
V-Ray can read any size of diffuse bitmap, so there's no reason you can't load a huge bitmap into SU and although it will be downsampled to 2048 x 2048 in the SU viewport, V-Ray will render it at full resolution.
I'm intrigued about the UV mapping, it may only be SU's in-built UV mapping tool which doesn't work properly with render plugins.
I have no idea, I'm probably the least experienced guy when it comes to those things, so far I'm pleased I didn't run into any problems.
@unknownuser said:
Call me biased but this is not as impressive as your locomotives, but i can understand wanting to change....maybe
From a modelling standpoint any organic form is much harder to do than a locomotive for example, nevermind studying theropod anatomy and all the recent papers to have in the end a correct model, I'm sorry if I failed to deliver in your eyes. I don't quite understand the last part of your sentence.
I think they are all awesome. Just imagine how good you will be when you combine your gifts and start modeling Romanian theropods.
Well, that did it...
Thank you for the inspiration!!! I'm gonna go dig out my NYC R-34 subway and have another go at it.... I guess this shows what a truly talented person can do with SU!!! Great Model!!
Great work. Great modeling!
About this work flow, blender's UV mapping just rocks. My favorite.
http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=81&t=19867Just a question. This is modeled in SU? Or blender, or even better zbrush+blender? Or mudbox?
This model came from decimation. See wire frame.
SU is a fine modeler for buildings but not for this kind of organic forms, doesn't have a UV editor, doesn't support huge polys (or it does after all?) -
A second thought. This last model is baked in another app. And that's OK. A talented person you are.
Anyway baking is my favorite work flow.
http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=81&t=21352 -
First one textured, it was an absolute pain, took me about 15-18 hours just to texture and I'm glad it's done. :]
And in a more "realistic" setting, the station is from GW, as always critics/comments are always welcome, ejoy!
Thread renamed to something more appropriate.
awesome. i dont even like this car but you make it look sweeeeeet!!