[Plugin] Layer Manager New Release
Curious problem on my Macs (work and home): The Layer Manager toolbar does not appear automatically. Each time I open SU7 I have to go to View/Tool Palettes and click on Layer Manager. Sort of a nuisance, but Layer Manager is a major player for me in SU.
Is this normal or do I have a problem?
can someone post a screenshot or two of this layer manager. i'd like to see it before i decide whether to rearrange my toolbars.
Layer Manager is one of my top-usage plug-ins: especially the "all layers invisible except current" (the one with the red dot) and "all layers visible" (the one with the green dot).
Didier has just released a new version that "remembers" the state of the toolbar so you don't have to keep opening it.Very useful (at least for me).
@unknownuser said:
Didier has just released a new version that "remembers" the state of the toolbar so you don't have to keep opening it.
Do you care to share where I can get it from?
Open the main rb file with a texte editor,
go to line 160
type: layers_tb.show
save the rb filethe end of file must look like:
layers_tb.add_item(cmd10) layers_tb.show # End of load $layer_manager_menu_loaded = true end file_loaded("fr_layer_manager_extension_v6.rb")
restart SU, you're done.
Ok, workaround works fine on my Mac.!
Now is there also one for the Main toolbar on top? Icons do not stick there either.
merci beaucoup.
updt: I tried to find one plugin that would do it to see how it was done. But it seems like it's a real problem since not one of my plugins can keep its icons up there. Be it LightUP, Subd&Smooth, JPP, Tools-on-Surface or BezierSpline.
Where can I find the latest version of this plugin?
Bob -
Below is a preview of next release, still at beta:
I have split the script in 2 toolbars: 1 for the tools, 1 for the layers configs.Features of toolbar 1:
Set layer of clicked object current
Set layer of clicked object current and isolated
Set layer of clicked object invisible
All layers visible
All layers invisible (except current)
Toggle visibility of all layers
Select/Deselect layer content
Move selection to current layer (digs in compos and groups)
Set layers of selection isolated (digs in compos and groups)
Set layers of selection invisible (digs in compos and groups)
Show layers by filter (add to visible layers)
Isolate layers by filter (digs in compos and groups)
Hide layers by filter (digs in compos and groups)
Toggle display color by layer
Match layer property of clicked object
Create layer and control behavior
Delete layer (digs in compos and groups)
Lock layer
Unlock layerThe other toolbar should have the same features than the previous release had, more or less.
Regards, -
Hello Didier,
It would be great iff the new version of your tool also be able to pasword protect for instance a invisable/locked layer.
Will it be?
If not,do you think it is possible inside Sketchup?Thanks for all your efforts.
Bep van Malde
Doesn't work with cyrillic names. Seems a lot of things are like this
@dedmin said:
Doesn't work with cyrillic names. Seems a lot of things are like this
what doesn't work? some functions? or the plugin as a whole?
@bob james said:
Curious problem on my Macs (work and home): The Layer Manager toolbar does not appear automatically. Each time I open SU7 I have to go to View/Tool Palettes and click on Layer Manager. Sort of a nuisance, but Layer Manager is a major player for me in SU.
Is this normal or do I have a problem?
This pluggin seem magnificient however I have an issue similar to yours Bob. Except , the layer manager tool bar does not even show under the "view-->toolbars" menu. help? I do I get it to display?
@zdouk said:
@bob james said:
Curious problem on my Macs (work and home): The Layer Manager toolbar does not appear automatically. Each time I open SU7 I have to go to View/Tool Palettes and click on Layer Manager. Sort of a nuisance, but Layer Manager is a major player for me in SU.
Is this normal or do I have a problem?
This pluggin seem magnificient however I have an issue similar to yours Bob. Except , the layer manager tool bar does not even show under the "view-->toolbars" menu. help? I do I get it to display?
This type of plugin is loaded as an 'extension', so it needs to be registered before it appears in the View>Toolbars list
To register it [once only needed] open Window>Preferences > Extensions tab, scroll to find 'Layer Manager' and tick its box: it should them be available on the View>Toolbars list -
@tig said:
@zdouk said:
@bob james said:
Curious problem on my Macs (work and home): The Layer Manager toolbar does not appear automatically. Each time I open SU7 I have to go to View/Tool Palettes and click on Layer Manager. Sort of a nuisance, but Layer Manager is a major player for me in SU.
Is this normal or do I have a problem?
This pluggin seem magnificient however I have an issue similar to yours Bob. Except , the layer manager tool bar does not even show under the "view-->toolbars" menu. help? I do I get it to display?
This type of plugin is loaded as an 'extension', so it needs to be registered before it appears in the View>Toolbars list
To register it [once only needed] open Window>Preferences > Extensions tab, scroll to find 'Layer Manager' and tick its box: it should them be available on the View>Toolbars listTig! you ARE the Big Cat.
However, it does not show there either...
Have you loaded the many files into the right folders ?
The filelayer_manager_extension_v6.rb
is the only file that must go into the ../Plugins/ folder
All other files that came with the plugin [there are m_a_n_y] need to be in a sub-folder ../Plugins/Layer Manager/
The first rb file loads all of the others and the images for the toolbar etc that MUST be in the sub-folder.
This layer manager is wonderful,it makes life so much easier, at least for those used to the layer manager in Autocad!Thank you!
- I'm trying to add a keyboard shortcut for "set layer of clicked object invisible" but I cannot find the function name for it.
2.In the previous version of Layer Manager, I set a short cut for that command - and all the selected lines' layers would disappear.
Now with the new interface I have to click on each line separately which takes a lot longer.
I just might install the older version... Unless there would be a way to have both methods?Wonderful Plugin!!
- I'm trying to add a keyboard shortcut for "set layer of clicked object invisible" but I cannot find the function name for it.