Guy charging U$100 for package containing free rubies!!
Do I pay for the ARK-Z plugins?
The question is why. If the vast majority of the plugins included in the toolbar are distributed for free.
Is it legal to pay for something they do not own? If not that way. WHY is it possible?
Authors should get paid for effort, but ... those who usurp the property of others should be punished
Sorry, my English is not good and use the translator google
i suggest we do this:
- wait a couple of days to see if the guy answers my email.
- in case he does not or his answer does not satisfy us, we should post a warning at the ruby forum (and in any other places you may suggest like, for instance, the Ruby Depot) to the effect that scripts A, B,...Z, included in the package Ark-Z SKP6, can be downloaded for free.
feel free to complement my suggestion.
List of The Plugins by Alphabetical Order of the Plugin Names
3PointTool.rb @Last Software, Inc.
AddVertex.rb TIG
AddVertex+.rb TIG
aitop.rb ODM
align_tool.rb Didier Bur
animation2.rb @Last Software, Inc.
Arcs.rb Didier Bur
arkz_animation2.rb Ezequiel M Rezende
arkz_arquitetura.rb Ezequiel M Rezende
arkz_cameras.rb Ezequiel M Rezende
arkz_creditos.rb Ezequiel M Rezende
arkz_draw_2d.rb Ezequiel M Rezende
arkz_draw_3d.rb Ezequiel M Rezende
arkz_filters.rb Ezequiel M Rezende
arkz_layer_manager_v6.rb Ezequiel M Rezende
arkz_menus.rb Ezequiel M Rezende
arkz_modify.rb Ezequiel M Rezende
arkz_projection.rb Ezequiel M Rezende
arkz_tools.rb Ezequiel M Rezende
AxisLock.rb Victor Liu
balustrade.rb Tomasz Marek
bezierspline.rb @Last Software, Inc.
BezPatch.rb Victor Liu
bez-patch.rb Victor Liu
BezPatchEdit.rb Victor Liu
BezPatchTool.rb Victor Liu
bomb.rb Rick Wilson
boxes_random.rb @Last Software, Inc.
BZ__BSplineU.rb Fredo6
BZ__CubicBezier.rb Fredo6
BZ__Divider.rb Fredo6
cabinet.rb Todd Burch
CadalogBeamTool.rb Cadalog, Inc.
centerpoint.rb Todd Burch
cleanup_model.rb John H. Aughey
Clinetool.rb Google, Inc.
Cloud_v6.rb Didier Bur
ContourMaker.rb TIG
cratetool.rb Tim
curvestitcher21.rb RW
dim_angle.rb Didier Bur
dline.rb Didier Bur
DoorMaker.rb PKR
draw_frame.rb Tomot
draw_glass.rb Tomot
draw_mullion.rb Tomot
draw_trim.rb Tomot
drawhelix13.rb Peter Brown
ellipse.rb Didier Bur
entfilter.rb Francisco Rodriguez
exploder.rb Remi Goux
extend11.rb Rick Wilson
extrud_along_normal.rb Wkai
extrude_lines.rb Didier Bur
FacePusher.rb Uli Tessel
Frame_Tool.rb Tomot
Geodesic_SketchUp.rb Gavin Kistner
Glass_Tool Tomot
groupByLayer.rb Rick Wilson
groupByTexture.rb Rick Wilson
helicoidal_ramp.rb ODM
helix12.rb Rick Wilson
joisttool.rb @Last Software, Inc.
k_tools_50.rb Klaudius
Layer_manager.rb Didier Bur
LibTraductor.rb Fredo6
line2cyl.rb Didier Bur
lines2walls_13.rb Didier Bur
LSystem.rb a4chitect
mesh_additions.rb @Last Software, Inc.
Mirror_31.rb Frank Wiesner
Mullion_Tool.rb Tomot
numb.rb TBD
opener.rb Didier Bur
paint_altitude_faces.rb Didier Bur
parametric.rb @Last Software, Inc.
parametric_grid.rb @Last Software, Inc.
pathcopy.rb Rick Wilson
PipeAlongPath.rb TIG
projection.rb Didier Bur
PurgeAll.rb TIG
pushpull_tool.rb @Last Software, Inc.
quick_selection.rb Didier Bur
randomPushPull.rb Didier Bur
rectangle.rb @Last Software, Inc.
register.rb Ezequiel M Rezende
remove_materials.rb Todd Burch
Roof.rb TIG
scrtool.rb Todd Burch
SectionCutFace.rb TIG
shapes.rb @Last Software, Inc.
SketchyFFD.rb Chris Phillips
Slicer.rb TIG
stairconctool3.rb Tim
terrain_reshaper.rb Didier Bur
Toolbars.rb Nathan Cheever
Trim_Tool.rb Tomot
weld.rb Rick Wilson
windowizer.rb Rick Wilson
windows.rb @Last Software, Inc.
xLine.rb Rick Wilson
xLine2Line.rb TIG
ZLoader__OnSurface.rb Fredo6List of The Plugins by Alphabetical Order of the Author Names (in bold, the plugins created by the pack author)
@Last Software, Inc. 3PointTool.rb
@Last Software, Inc. animation2.rb
@Last Software, Inc. bezierspline.rb
@Last Software, Inc. boxes_random.rb
@Last Software, Inc. joisttool.rb
@Last Software, Inc. mesh_additions.rb
@Last Software, Inc. parametric.rb
@Last Software, Inc. parametric_grid.rb
@Last Software, Inc. pushpull_tool.rb
@Last Software, Inc. rectangle.rb
@Last Software, Inc. shapes.rb
@Last Software, Inc. windows.rb
a4chitect LSystem.rb
Cadalog, Inc. CadalogBeamTool.rb
Chris Phillips SketchyFFD.rb
Didier Bur align_tool.rb
Didier Bur Arcs.rb
Didier Bur Cloud_v6.rb
Didier Bur dim_angle.rb
Didier Bur dline.rb
Didier Bur ellipse.rb
Didier Bur extrude_lines.rb
Didier Bur Layer_manager.rb
Didier Bur line2cyl.rb
Didier Bur lines2walls_13.rb
Didier Bur opener.rb
Didier Bur paint_altitude_faces.rb
Didier Bur projection.rb
Didier Bur quick_selection.rb
Didier Bur randomPushPull.rb
Didier Bur terrain_reshaper.rb
Ezequiel M Rezende arkz_animation2.rb
Ezequiel M Rezende arkz_arquitetura.rb
Ezequiel M Rezende arkz_cameras.rb
Ezequiel M Rezende arkz_creditos.rb
Ezequiel M Rezende arkz_draw_2d.rb
Ezequiel M Rezende arkz_draw_3d.rb
Ezequiel M Rezende arkz_filters.rb
Ezequiel M Rezende arkz_layer_manager_v6.rb
Ezequiel M Rezende arkz_menus.rb
Ezequiel M Rezende arkz_modify.rb
Ezequiel M Rezende arkz_projection.rb
Ezequiel M Rezende arkz_tools.rb
Ezequiel M Rezende register.rb
Francisco Rodriguez entfilter.rb
Frank Wiesner Mirror_31.rb
Fredo6 BZ__BSplineU.rb
Fredo6 BZ__CubicBezier.rb
Fredo6 BZ__Divider.rb
Fredo6 LibTraductor.rb
Fredo6 ZLoader__OnSurface.rb
Gavin Kistner Geodesic_SketchUp.rb
Google, Inc. Clinetool.rb
John H. Aughey cleanup_model.rb
Klaudius k_tools_50.rb
Nathan Cheever Toolbars.rb
ODM aitop.rb
ODM helicoidal_ramp.rb
Peter Brown drawhelix13.rb
PKR DoorMaker.rb
Remi Goux exploder.rb
Rick Wilson bomb.rb
Rick Wilson extend11.rb
Rick Wilson groupByLayer.rb
Rick Wilson groupByTexture.rb
Rick Wilson helix12.rb
Rick Wilson pathcopy.rb
Rick Wilson weld.rb
Rick Wilson windowizer.rb
Rick Wilson xLine.rb
RW curvestitcher21.rb
TBD numb.rb
TIG AddVertex.rb
TIG AddVertex+.rb
TIG ContourMaker.rb
TIG PipeAlongPath.rb
TIG PurgeAll.rb
TIG Roof.rb
TIG SectionCutFace.rb
TIG Slicer.rb
TIG xLine2Line.rb
Tim cratetool.rb
Tim stairconctool3.rb
Todd Burch cabinet.rb
Todd Burch centerpoint.rb
Todd Burch remove_materials.rb
Todd Burch scrtool.rb
Tomasz Marek balustrade.rb
Tomot draw_frame.rb
Tomot draw_glass.rb
Tomot draw_mullion.rb
Tomot draw_trim.rb
Tomot Frame_Tool.rb
Tomot Glass_Tool
Tomot Mullion_Tool.rb
Tomot Trim_Tool.rb
Uli Tessel FacePusher.rb
Victor Liu AxisLock.rb
Victor Liu BezPatch.rb
Victor Liu bez-patch.rb
Victor Liu BezPatchEdit.rb
Victor Liu BezPatchTool.rb
Wkai extrud_along_normal.rb
vector.flat_angle.rb -
can someone identify what were the rubys he used for each TOOLBAR? (descriptions of each ruby inside the links)
Ark-Z Desenho 2D
Ark-Z Desenho 3D
Ark-Z Modificadores
Ark-Z Ferramentas
Ark-Z Layers
Ark-Z Filtros SeleĆ§Ć£o
Ark-Z ProjeĆ§Ć£o
Ark-Z Graphs
Ark-Z Estilos de Arestas
Ark-Z OpƧƵes
Ark-Z PƔginas
This guy never asked me anything. I am really angry.
He says he revamped the icons, but for instance if you take a look at the layer manager toolbar, it's a joke !
I consider him a stealer, and I will put a banner on my site warning everybody NOT to buy anything like his package.
The Ruby Depot is number 1 on top of a Google search with "ruby scripts" as keywords, so I hope, as we say in french "to cut the grass under his feet". -
@didier bur said:
This guy never asked me anything. I am really angry.
He says he revamped the icons, but for instance if you take a look at the layer manager toolbar, it's a joke !
I consider him a stealer, and I will put a banner on my site warning everybody NOT to buy anything like his package.
The Ruby Depot is number 1 on top of a Google search with "ruby scripts" as keywords, so I hope, as we say in french "to cut the grass under his feet".Didier, I think the best thing we can do is to offer a package WITH THE SAME PLUGINS, WITH THE SAME TOOLBARS, and in several languages (the brazilian and portuguese forumers here can help translate plugins into portuguese)... and then we make it available FOR FREE.
one of the reasons brazilians may buy HIS package is because he translated everything to portuguese, and many people are not good enough in english to use english plugins.
in the moment we give FOR FREE what is already free, but also make it available in more languages, and with the nice toolbars, we literally dismantled his market.
ps: i think the most irritating thing is that he is not even charging a moderate value for his work of drawing a few icons and "searching plugins on the internet" and translating them. He is charging A LOT!
The miserable git has included my one and only Ruby! (drawhelix13)
Wants 'king with the rough end of a pineapple. -
the guy answered my email to him. at first he tried to excuse himself by saying that all he is selling is the work he has done on the toolbars and the translations, since the "scripts are free anyway". that did not go down very well with me. eventually he said he did not mean to cheat anyone and seemed willing to come to terms with all the authors of the scripts he "translated".
i told him he should get in touch with everyone involved immediately if he wants to avoid a campaign against him in several skp-related internet sites. he told me he has not yet started selling the packages, as there is some paper work that must be done and it is not finished yet... let's see what happens next.
well Edson, apparently his site went offline. (or at least, the links to his pack)
Well done Edson. I think your letter must have had the desired effect. Or maybe Didier "cut the grass under his feet" and sliced off his soles while doing it
Anyway, I think it will work out okay. It just goes to show that some doors may be to be closed!
I have no clue how much work ARKZ did on this, but that sure is a long list of other people's scripts. And it is clearly wrong to use other's freely distributed work in a commercial release.
However, I appreciate the idea of it. While his price is steep, he puts together a nice package, including themed toolbars and icons. For someone new to Rubys like myself, it collects and organizes things and adds a context to a hodgepodge of tools available under different terms from a variety of sources. I look at what he offers and I see a better workflow. I'd like something like this available in a fairer way.
Learning SketchUp with this many tools would add a lot to the curve, making it more formidable like, say, Rhino. But for an intermediate level user, it would be handy to have all this stuff put together in one place, updated s new scripts come out.
Is a volunteer up for such an ongoing task, or a group of volunteers? It's asking a lot. Would Google SU take it on? Charging anything for the collection adds immensely to the problemsā how can you compensate for scriptsā by the piece, the time involved, the lines of code? Try leveling that playing field.
This is as good a place as any to say once again how much I appreciate the thousands of hours the Ruby writers have put in to making SketchUp a better tool. Most of them only get paid by our thanks and the satisfaction of all the creative work they have had an indirect hand in. We owe them a lot.
Fine, Edson, thanks!
I believe CadFather is the man to ask.
well done guys!! this just proves the streght of our comunity!
i am glad to inform you that mr. ezequiel rezende has taken the package containing the scripts not authored by him off his website. he also told me he will not put it on sale again before reaching an agreement with the scripts' authors.
Thanks Edson for the heads-up. Also for arranging this.
Great work Edson, 'You Da Man!'
Thanks Edson, good job.
BTW, if the guy tries to reach an agreement with me, I don't think I will let him distribute my scripts this way. Some others before (japanese CAD magazines and webmasters in particular) have kindly asked for permission to distribute (at no charge) my freebies in the past and I agreed of course.
But without my permission and for 100$, NO !Note to ruby coders: is there a way to add a copyright notice and an advice that our plugins are free (I mean, not in the code but during execution or something like that)?
Must we use the scrambler ? is it "secure" ? -
I guess we are protected by the first publication occurrence on a site like Sketchucation or Crai Depot. This at least determines the "prior" date.
Then, I am waiting on Gaieus' advice to see how to protect us against this type of abuse.
In between, I will equip my scripts with the following notice:
# Permission to use this software for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted # Distribution of this software for commercial purpose is subject to; # - the express written consent of the author # - the inclusion of the present copyright notice in all copies.