[Plugin] Polar line - 20110525
Hum... Another Pac problem!! Damned. I don't know what's the problem, and I've no mac... Can you copy here the error in the ruby console please ?
Thank you...
Matt. -
here you have it.
I don't understand the problem... Again !! Grmbl.
Can you try line below in the ruby console, please ?Math.cos(45.degrees)
And these lines
a = Geom;;Point3d.new(12.5,12.5,25.2) a[0] a[1] a[2]
On each line, can you give me the results, please ?
Thank you again for your patience, Edson! -
is this what you wanted?
Edson: you wrote 0 = Geom:: and 1 = Geom:: . That's not what he wanted. Just type exactly what he listed.
a = Geom;;Point3d.new(12.5,12.5,25.2)
and so on.
is this it?
Yes, like that.
Thank you Edson and Thomthom !
I really really don't understand...Can someone help me for this bug, please ?
I can have a look on my own Mac when I get home.
Looks very weird. Does PC SU and MacSU use the same Ruby version?Have you tried placing () around lg * Math.cos(ang) . (just a wild guess)
Hey, I notice you use $lg and then lg. Is it suppose to be two different things?
@unknownuser said:
Does PC SU and MacSU use the same Ruby version?
I don't know, but I often have problems...@unknownuser said:
I can have a look on my own Mac when I get home.
Thank you !@unknownuser said:
Hey, I notice you use $lg and then lg. Is it suppose to be two different things?
I will look in the code... Thank you! -
Got it nailed!
It's all down to line 69:
case Sketchup.active_model.options[0][2]
On my mac it returned nil
Your case switch doesn't account for that value so lg is passed on as a string.
case Sketchup.active_model.options[0][2] when 0;lg = result[0].to_f when 1;lg = result[0].to_f.feet when 2;lg = result[0].to_f.mm when 3;lg = result[0].to_f.cm when 4;lg = result[0].to_f.m end
My fix was to add a default handler for the switch.
case Sketchup.active_model.options[0][2] when 0;lg = result[0].to_f when 1;lg = result[0].to_f.feet when 2;lg = result[0].to_f.mm when 3;lg = result[0].to_f.cm when 4;lg = result[0].to_f.m else ;lg = result[0].to_f end
Not sure why line 69 return nil though, didn't look into that.
Ok cool !! Thank you for your bug research Thomthom !
I am pretty sure it works if you try this code belowSketchup.active_model.options["UnitsOptions"]["LengthUnit"]
can you try it please ?
For "pl" variable, no problem. "$pl" is used to reuse last number entered in the polarline window...
I'll try it and report back.
Yes, that worked.
Thank you Thomthom!
I've updated the first post... Can you try it on Mac please? Thank you! -
now nothing happens at all. not even the request for the first point appears.
Can you show me the error in the ruby console please? -
the console window was filled with a lot of stuff. this is the last piece. if you need the rest, let me know.
Excuse me Edson... A silly error... Shame on me !I updated the code...
Sorry !