Windowizer4 now available!
Windowizer4 is now available! It includes the following features:
- Full 3D storefront windows (front-only Windowizer3-style windows are optional)
- Window styles can be saved to the model for easy recall
- Resulting windows can be grouped or ungrouped
- Zero-width outer frames are now possible
- Polygons are now supported
- Local language support (tied to SketchUp localization, where volunteers have provided localized files)
Planned free updates for this version include:
- Export and import window styles for use in different models
- Window editing
- Window style matching (apply one window's settings to another window)
- Zero-width mullion support for butt-glazed storefront & curtainwall windows
- Style Manager dialog for renaming/exporting/importing/deleting window styles
Thanks to all the volunteers who helped with localization, and to all users for your patience as I worked to create this.
Hi Rick,
I have unzipped everything simply to the Plugins folder (or should I have installed it differently?). After opening SU, I found windowizer 4 in the plugin menu and tried to run but the webdialog says "The page cannot be displayed" (practically a 404 eror). When I right click and go to Properties, I see the below URL
Also see my screenshot (the webdialog and the propertie panel in Hungarian).
BTW - how am I supposed to select my language?
Sorry for being a pain with this...
When you unzipped the files, did you retain folder names? All the .html files (except windowizer4-en-US.html) should be in a subfolder called "windowizer4languages".
After verifying that, close the dialog, open the Ruby Console, then select Plugins>Windowizer4 from the menu. If there are any errors in the Ruby Console, please copy & paste them in a message to me (either here or in email).
Windowizer should automatically select the proper dialog language file based on the Sketchup localization. It works in theory (and it works for selecting US English), but I can't test it on other localizations. If you continue to have problems after verifying all the files are located correctly, let me know and I'll see if some international ruby gurus (Didier? TBD?) can help solve the problem.
I haven't changed anything in the folder and name structure. Note however that I don't have windowizer4-en-US.html anywhere; neither in the main plugins folder nor in the subfolder.
I tried it with the ruby console but nothing appears in there.
I removed all other scripts but still no avail.
Okay, I think the mising file was the culprit. I copied the Hungarian html file to the main Plugins folder, renamed it to ...en-US.html and the window pops up just fine. (in Hungarian). I'll start testing my translation immediately.
Thanks Rick!
Somehow, the windowizer4-en-US.html file was omitted from the .zip download. I've uploaded a new .zip file with the missing file included. Try re-downloading and let me know what you get.
In the previous zip file there was a "Program files" folder as well. It is missing from this one; is it not needed? There were deeply nested subfolders in it but eventually all empty).
OK, downloaded but it's not working.
The window appears but whatever I do (trying to apply the default settings) and press "Apply" (still testing with the US version) nothing happens.
Wait. Me stupid. I looked at the script and it says requires sketchup.rb and I don't have it in the folder at the moment.
No, that was some strange anomaly in the old .zip file, and was unnecessary. You should have the following files in the Plugins folder:
windowizer4-en-US.htmlThe first 4 are "library" files that are used by other scripts. The last 3 are unique to Windowizer4. You should also have a subfolder called "windowizer4languages" in your Plugins folder. The localized .html files go in here, and you can safely delete all but your language's .html file.
Does anything appear in the Ruby Console when you click "Apply"?
The sketchup.rb file should be in the Tools folder, not the Plugins folder.
BTW - where do I get sketchup.rb? I don't seem to have it at all!
Me stupid agan. It's in the Tools folder by default.
Now copied to the Plugins folder but still no avail.
It should stay in the Tools folder. Any messages in the Ruby Console?
Hooray thank you so much for this plugin Rick. So far it works as expected. It even cuts both sides of a wall.
Trully amazing.
@rickw said:
It should stay in the Tools folder.
I left a copy there...
@unknownuser said:
Any messages in the Ruby Console?
Okay, I have figured it out.
On my "European" keyboard layout the decimal separator is comma. All the sizes appear with commas except the max wall thicknes which is separated bz a dot (period / full stop - call it as you wish) by default in the webdialog. If I manually change that to a comma, the script works.
I guess this will be an issue with other localisations, too.
Now I will get into the translation at last.
Glad you figured that out. I'll have to make some notes for using it and humbly ask the great volunteers who helped with the dialog to help once again with translating the documents.
Dear Rick -
I haven't downloaded W4 yet (but I will soon) and I was just thinking - I've got a small project in Sweden, and there, we have triple-glazed windows. Do you think it would be possible to add an option, "# of panes of glass"? In Germany, we also use double-glazing and so on...I was thinking, I could perhaps just make a "thick" single pane but there might be situations in which it would be useful to model the "real" situation...
I imagine it might at some point get a bit much, but since you are already working at such a high level of detail...
Just a thought.
best wishes,
RICK. I just purchased and am using it. It is awesome. Anyway to put it in a context menu rather than the pull down?
It's much more friendlier that way> . . .
I just purchased it as well, and that's my only request is to add to a right-click dialog as David mentions.
Works flawless though, going to be such a time saver. -