More flexibility with edges
@schreiberbike said:
I didn't realize that this was possible either. Playing with it, I'm having a hard time getting it right, but with more practice I imagine I'll be able to do it reliably.
This might help you when painting edges:
- select ‘Wire Frame’ mode
- make a copy of the object (this way you only get the edges copied)
- now select View>Edge Style>Profile (thick lines)
- paint whatever needs to be painted
- move back the wire frame to same location as the original object
this object will now inherit the painted edges
Note that even when painting the edges you can have ‘Shaded With Textures’ selected again so you will see the object next to the wire frame with its thick lines.
Open the Entity Info dialog. Select an edge and look at the color swatch in Entity Info; don't like the color then double click on the swatch and pick from other colors or materials currently used in the model.
Dear Edson,
If you are having problems then go to Styles, select Edit, then Edge Settings (first Icon), and then make sure that Colour is set to 'By Material'.
JClements' method is very convenient, but if you require specific colours then you will have to 'load' those colours into the model by painting a dummy object (like a cube), which one deletes to leave the materials (colours) behind. Those colours will then be available in the 'Edit Info' dialogue box when you double click on the displayed colour in that dialogue box.
Kind regards,
Bob -
Bob, you will get no argument from me about your comments.
Just wanted others to note that there was another method for coloring edges.
Regards, J
Dear J,
There are a lot of techniques that need promoting and the use of Entity Info is one of them. You have my support.
Kind regards,
Bob -
oh, tank you, this information about coloured lines is very useful. btw, to paint a line is not necessary to open "entity info" like bob said, you can also use the pait tool (face style ->wireframe)
You can use the paint tool while in "normal" modes, too - it's just too easy to mistake the lines and paint the faces.
You can always preselect a bunch of lines though and "batch paint" them. -
yes, this is what i meant.
Has anyone tried exporting to see how it looks i.e. parking lot lines?
great! I didn't know colouring lines is possible. now I am one step closer to evading cad programs...
should be quite easy to handle the different line colours when your model is well organized (groups/components).
perhaps applying different line thicknes to various lines would be a nice idea for a ruby (unless something like that already exists!?