Question ...
Im sorry if i ask an ovious question but what does it mean to bevel?
If you cant read the writing, the one of the left is bevelled.
Here I put examples of what I think a script for bevel edges must do.
Like i cannot make it with SketchUp, the examples I make looks like a chamfer tool. In the first example i put a normal cube, a chamfered cube and the bevel tool. The other examples are the normal shapes and the chamfered result. I cannot make the bevel in sketchup for the examples but will be the same rounded (like the cube that says ยดThis wayยด).
Daniel S
I agree, Chris. I'm kind of glad I don't know enough about Rubies to write one.
While I never build furniture with sharp edges, I rarely bother with beveling or radiusing edges in my SketchUp drawings of that furniture. Those details may add some realism but aren't usually worth the time they take to create. If the bevel is a large part of the design as in Gary Rogowski's table (the one in my video clip), I would certainly add it. In that case it wasn't a complicated thing to do with Offset and Autofold. For small radiused edges, if I need to show them, I prefer to insinuate them with Offset, Soften and Hide. The appearance is believable without the large increase in entities. For my use, automating that would work as well as a beveling plugin most of the time.
@daniel s said:
Here I put examples of what I think a script for bevel edges must do.
Like i cannot make it with SketchUp, the examples I make looks like a chamfer tool. In the first example i put a normal cube, a chamfered cube and the bevel tool. The other examples are the normal shapes and the chamfered result. I cannot make the bevel in sketchup for the examples but will be the same rounded (like the cube that says ยดThis wayยด).
Daniel S
Daniel, if I was a machinist and you handed me those parts and said you wanted a bevel on the edge, I would put a chamfer on them as you have drawn. You would have to tell me you want a radius on the edge to get what you show in the cube labelled "this way".
So perhaps a plugin that does both is what folks want or need?
The following comes from the Wikipedia
A beveled edge refers to an edge of a structure that is not perpendicular (but instead often at 45 degrees) to the faces of the piece. The words bevel and chamfer overlap in usage; in general usage they are often interchanged, while in technical usage they may sometimes be differentiated as shown in the image at right.Bevel top, Chamfer bottom
@rayochoa said:
Im sorry if i ask an ovious question but what does it mean to bevel?
A bevel would be similar to a chamfer This countertop has a bevel or a chamfer on the edge.
While we're at it, a fillet is a concave curve between two surfaces at angles to each other. This bicycle frame has fillets between the tubes.
Remus, in your drawing, the one on the right has a radiused corner, not a beveled corner. the one on the left appears to have a simple square corner.
Here are two video examples in the zip attached.
One for chamfer, other for bevel. Of course that bevel need to put a radius...Daniel S
In the video you will see a variable radius...
@whaat said:
I had started work on a bevelling script. It was not nearly finished when my hard drive crashed and all was lost. It shouldn't be too hard to redo the work but I'm not committing to any new projects right now. My wife will kill me if I start another Ruby project before getting some work done in our basement.
Too bad! Of course, I understand.
Any other takers? Remember: you'll be considered a hero!
Maybe something like this?
Looks very nice, one question though, does it do arcs?
(and can i have a copy? pretty please
Hi, that would be a fantastic tool for me !
Itยดs AMAZING Chris!!!
I donยดt know how you make it. I was doing this kind of bevel with offset all faces, delete the original geometry and triangulate the vertices. but for making it takes a lot of time.. and have to use a lot of plugins.
It works for curved faces?
Daniel S
Just a little alternative thing:
Its not really bevelling, more of a fillet, but not a bad result
how to:
- buy subd and smooth
2)select the shape to fillet
3)subdivide a couple of times
4)subdivide and smooth
Looks like it works with curves and arcs.
That looks awesome, any ideas when and where it will be available?
- Yet another valuable tool *
- Yet another valuable tool *
thats a nice one chris!! beautiful
@solo said:
That looks awesome, any ideas when and where it will be available?
- Yet another valuable tool *
Not long. Right now its a bit fussy about the geometry. GTA coming out on Tue might cause delay.
- Yet another valuable tool *
Not to much of a delay i hope
Aii Stinkie, enjoy the last days with your girlfriend
such a good script it would be
.... waiting to see ( but not so patient )