Latest posts made by bikerchris
Ikea Galant Corner Worktop Desk 1.2 x 1.6m
Just in case anyone wants it, I was re-doing my office layout and thought I'd make this - as I own it!:
The legs are made of 2 tubes, allowing for increasing and decreasing the height. Uses millimetres. Layers for the Frame, Legs and Worktop have been created. This is component based. The legs and frame have no material applied. The legs are not curved as this would take too much time.
Comments welcome, but it really was just a quickie.
RE: Layer Manager - Does it work in SU 2017?
Indeed, the other constants are a little more depressing, so I rarely think of them, personally.
I shall give it a miss until something (paid or not) appears - I'm always keen to adapt, but not at too much 'time cost', being self-employed and all.
FYI Completely agree with your sig'.
RE: Layer Manager - Does it work in SU 2017?
@juju said:
@juju said:
Layers Panel.
Take a look...
Thanks juju, it's a real shame that no one has taken on the plugin update challenge, otherwise I certainly would use it. As strange as it seems, I would prefer not to get used to a plugin, only for it to be discontinued just as it becomes an important part of my workflow.
RE: Layer Manager - Does it work in SU 2017?
Many thanks Juju and faust07 for all of your prompt replies, very much appreciated. Thanks Faust for such detailed information, I think I'll avoid it as I really don't want too many problems - I really like my install at the moment as it's bug free and very reliable.
If either of you know of a plugin which allows grouping of layers in SU 2017, I would very much appreciate a link or a mention of its name.
All the best, Chris
Layer Manager - Does it work in SU 2017?
Hi All,
Hope you're well, just wondering if anyone has experienced Layer Manager and if it works in SU 2017?
I really only want it so that I can group layers, but I don't want to try install a really nice clean install with a corrupted/error ridden plugin.
Thanks in advance!
RE: Plugin for making currently selected object current layer
TIG, thank you for taking the time to produce such an expansive reply, it's thoroughly appreciated. I do completely see the disadvantages to producing geometry with individual layers, it seems a good precise habit in CAD, isn't so helpful in SU! So far using the (wrong) technique I've been using, it hasn't caused any problems, but I completely appreciate it could create insanity. Herein I'll use Layer0 for geometry and layer names for components/groups and see how I get on - thank you again for clarifying this, really very much appreciated.
Going back to my original question, I guess the request for this feature is mute by using the Layer0 technique - so that, answers that!
Thank you again for your help.
All the very best,
RE: Plugin for making currently selected object current layer
Thanks for that. I've been using AutoCAD for many years, during this time I've got into the habit of using layers consistently to a industry standardised convention, so certain objects can be turned off with ease. Is this a poor method to use in sketchup? Should I have Layer0 for everything and manually delete items when I don't want them shown?
Plugin for making currently selected object current layer
Hello everyone,
Hope you're well?
Just wondering if there's a plugin kicking around, which will allow me to click on an object or line, and make that objects layer 'current'? An example would be if you had a brick wall and a window, and the window layer was selected (and used when creating new objects). What I would really like is if I could click on the brick wall, and then select 'make current/active layer'.
Hope that makes sense?
RE: Re; Animation output - DOES NOT create AVI file when it's a
Something I started doing was using MP4's, as the file size is much smaller - the sacrifice being the quality sometimes, but it's good enough for my needs.
What you mentioned is what I did though, just stitch them together in some movie editing software. Hey ho!