Thanks again
RE: Exploded views
Thanks Gidon I'll try that. Next question........... How do you get it back together?
I saved the exploded view then when I closed the orginal I choose do not save changes. -
RE: Exploded views
Maybe this just isn't going to work. When I try to select any part it selects the whole drawing and all I can do is move the whole drawing. I'm going to write the author and see if he can tell me what I'm doing wrong or why I can't select componets. Thanks Remus
Exploded views
Hi Folks,
I just downloaded a sketch up drawing from a woodworking blog,guid,59b7a213-f516-4a16-a135-37d90677fb2b.aspx
Well I tried looking in help to find out how to take the drawing apart and see how the joints go together but I can't figure how to start. I got an x-ray view but have no idea how to get it apart. -
RE: Japanese type joinery
Thanks Bert.
I just looked at your site and you sure have a amazing amount of work there. Beautiful truly beautiful. Just couldn't read anything since my high school French is all but forgotten.
Now I just need to do some work in SU to see what I can do with that. -
RE: New member
After going through your web site front to back I've seen a lot of your use of SU. Very impressive, you really do have the hang of it don't you. Enjoyed all the info but wondered if the Sharpening the Japanese marking knife on the Techniques is supposed to link you to the page like the picture below does to face marking page. If so the link is broken because I couldn't get it to work. -
RE: New member
Thanks Alan I already checked out your site when I saw it on another thread you posted on. I reconizied your white oak box right away because I had seen it some where on the web and downloaded to my boxes folder where I keep interesting ideas I see. I said to my self "So that's who made that". I really love the handles, I like the whole box and the dovetails are wonderful, but the handles are inspired.
RE: New member
Thanks Jerry, I have been getting along with 2D for about 12 years or more but after reading the article in Fine Woodworking it really got me to thinking about the possiblites of 3D and it's free for crying out loud. I'm trying to get a little support group for learning SU started in our county but there's only 7,000 people in the whole county but I have mangaged to get a woodworking guild started here and from that I hope to get a SU group started. Will let you know how it works out. First I have to get some seat time so I'll know what I'm talking about.
RE: New member
Thanks for the welcome guys. Once I get time to use the program I'm sure I'll have questions. In the mean time I'm reading old posts to catch up.
RE: Japanese type joinery
Thanks for thye kind words, glad you enjoyed my web site. That's true I don't have any skippies yet because I'm really a rank beginner with SU but I'll be trying my luck soon.
RE: Japanese type joinery
Yes all of those. I used this joint to join two timbers to form the bottom on the frame I made to hold my tools behind my bench. I didn't have a piece 12 ft. long so I ripped the 7 ft piece of white fir I had and when I did it came off the saw looking like a couple of bananas but they were a perfect match. I was going to use that joint anyway but decided not to try to straighten them out but use them as is. I think it make the piece.
RE: Japanese type joinery
@unknownuser said:
Dang that is a tight joint. And by hand... I am in awe.
And I love the box on you home page.
Welcome and I look forward to seeing more of your work. And what you can dream up in SU.
Hi Boo,
If you click on "The Work" page and click on the fourth square on the bottom row you'll see it's my "Whale Tail Stool".
There's a video of me making that stool under "The Experience" Videos.
Thanks for the kind words.
New member
Just joined today to start learning to use SU. I've used VectorWorks for over 10 years as my 2D drawing program but found the 3D in VectorWorks to be more difficult to use so I never bothered to learn it. SU seems to be a better option so I want to try my luck at this. I like the idea that there is a lot of on-line support and I'm used to the forum format so this seemed like a natural way to learn.
Just saw and article in Fine Woodworking about using SU to do exploded views of furniture and I was sold. Looking forward to becoming a part of this community. -
RE: Japanese type joinery
This is my first post but I couldn't resist when I saw the title of this thread. As my user name suggests I am a woodworker and have been using Japanese joinery in my work for the last 30 years. Now a days I cut all my joinery by hand and can't imanage cutting these joints any other way. Here's a picture of a Kanawa tsugi I cut for what I called my tool frame. You can see more of my work at