Exploded views
Hi Folks,
I just downloaded a sketch up drawing from a woodworking blog
Well I tried looking in help to find out how to take the drawing apart and see how the joints go together but I can't figure how to start. I got an x-ray view but have no idea how to get it apart. -
The easiest way to go about this is to use the move tool to seperate ut the groups. All you have to do is select the piece you want to move, select the move tool (or keyboard shortcut m) and then move it.
You can move things in the direction of the axis by forcing an inference, so once youve started using the move tool, hit one of the direction keys (left=greeen axis, right=red axis, up and down=blue axis) to move the piece in that direction.
Maybe this just isn't going to work. When I try to select any part it selects the whole drawing and all I can do is move the whole drawing. I'm going to write the author and see if he can tell me what I'm doing wrong or why I can't select componets. Thanks Remus
Ok, try right clicking the modle and selecting 'explode', that should do it.
That did it....Thanks
Charlie hi,
There's another thing you can do that will save you the trouble of having to move the different pieces around. After having exploded the model as Remus rightly suggested, go to:View > Component edit > hide rest of model
What this does is that when you double click on any of the parts to put it into edit mode, the rest of the model dissappears making it easier to view the chosen part. You aren't actualy going to edit the part, but you will have a clearer, unobstructed view of it. Then just click anywhere outside the 'bounding box' and the rest of the model re-appears.
Thanks Gidon I'll try that. Next question........... How do you get it back together?
I saved the exploded view then when I closed the orginal I choose do not save changes. -
For getting it back together, my suggestion would be to either save a copy somewhere (file->save copy) or to only move a few pieces at a time so that you can easily put the whole tihng back together when youve finished.
check the ExplodeImplode ruby script at smustard.com . it does exactly what you are after.
Thanks again