Thanks,but i have tried that earlier too.I am really worried where i am going wrong.
After your suggestions,i tried doing the same(attached image).Please guide me as to where else i could be going wrong..
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RE: Vray render problem
RE: Vray render problem
The vray version is 1.48 and yes i am using rectangular lights.
Looking forward for your help.@valerostudio said:
What version of V-Ray? How are those lights setup? Are they rectangular lights or an emitter material?
Vray render problem
Recently i started noticing changes in my renderings,i am getting these spots and i have no clue how to deal with them.I looked through most of the topics here and still could not figure out a way in dealing with the same.Could this be a hardware issue,but then i tried on 2 different systems.
Would sincerely appreciate your help.