Now working. Although at a newbie level, I have gotten a couple examples to work now. Thank you everyone for the help!
RE: Magnets question
RE: Magnet Question Rephrased
Between your copy here and others I've downloaded, I've been able to get magnets to work now to a newbie degree. Thank you. -
RE: Magnets question
I have been able to copy and paste a couple examples from the 3d warehouse into my project, and that has given me a starting point for now. Thank you for all your help physicsguy, and everyone else! I wrote to C Phillips earlier and awaiting to hear back from them.
RE: Magnets question
Well it happens every time when I try to put anything in the UI. I've restarted SU so many times today. If I had a dollar for each time,..well you get the idea. I'm closing it out, retrying over and over. Getting frustrated.
RE: Magnets question
I duplicated what you showed physicsguy...nothing worked. When I tried to go back into the UI, this is what I got
RE: Magnets question
My! Awesome.
I'm wondering if I am missing a plug in for the tool bar? I just reposted the question, rephrased it, new thread. I have no idea what is missing. I have downloaded and tried to mimic examples off 3d warehouse with no luck
Magnet Question Rephrased
What do I need to get even the simplest magnet to work in SU? Do I need another plugin with sketchyphysics 3 rc1? I do not know what I need. I am not a code writer. I do not know what is missing, but I know others have magnets working. Can anyone show step by step Everything needed to get magnets working? With pictures please. Screen shots.
RE: Magnets question
@unknownuser said:
I've had that problem to. if you save the file and go back into it is the script still there. Did you click on the group you put the script in again. Also i have free I don't see why you would need pro.
No idea as I have not saved when UI isn't taking the input or working. I know I'm putting the code or whatever in the wrong area, or checking the wrong thing....Just need a screenshot or two of successful magnets of the inspector so can compare
RE: Magnets question
Not an OLD pc. 3.07 ghz cpu. 2 gigs ram, 512 mb nvidea video card. Windows XP
I'm wondering if I need the paid for version of SU, with ruby and all that? SU stays running, it's that if I put in something wrong (blueish text area?), the UI doesn't fully open properly again.
RE: Magnets question
When I try to put any of that coding in the light blue box areas, the UI crashes
RE: Magnets question
I have SU 7 free version and SP3RC1
Can you post a screenshot of where that code would go in which boxes in the UI inspector?Also, is there a way the magnets will just stay on without pressing any keys or spacebar? I'm very much a SP newby. Only been messing with it for not even a week yet.
Thanks! -
Magnets question
Can someone point me in the direction (tutorial) of how to program an object to behave as a magnet, such as a square box cube. + and - ?
RE: Hinge (bearing) and Spring
@unknownuser said:
by CPhillips on Fri May 01, 2009 9:28 pm
If you want a rotating spring use a servo and set the accel high and damp low depending on how strong and how stiff you want the spring to be.I'm also having difficulties with changing the joint settings. I'd love to be able to adjust the spring. However I need a step by step walk through on how to do that. There is much with SU I don't know and have exhausted the newby tutorials I can find that are written and explained well.
Can you connect a joint to a joint without an object or part as the parent? I'm using SU7 with SUPRC31. I noticed in RC31 that I could switch to version 2...not sure if that would help or hurt things.
Thanks to everyone who is lending ideas here!
RE: New
@unknownuser said:
by Boofredlay on Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:19 pm
Welcome Mark!Hiya Boofredlay. Thank you
RE: Hinge (bearing) and Spring
I finally got back to this and downloaded. It must be that springs do not operate with an arc movement, only straight line of travel. Basically a bouncy linear slider?
Thanks for taking the time to look more into this physicsguy
RE: Rolling cylinder problem
Aha! When the physics are edited, the 4 parts are changed to BOX physics, Then grouped. I was making them static mesh, which was wrong for what I needed them to do.
Thanks for trying to help here phy!
RE: Hinge (bearing) and Spring
Ok, then I am totally lost again. For a joint to work it needs to be grouped with the part/s it you want it to have an effect on, right?
RE: Hinge (bearing) and Spring
I'm trying to attach working joints as shown and have the spring hooked up to the top arm and bottom arm. Only can get one joint at a time to work.
RE: Rolling cylinder problem
Ok, trying to upload attachment.
@unknownuser said:
Post by Wacov on Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:57 am
You can post it on the forums using the attach function. Scroll down when writing a reply, and you will see it.Thanks Wacov
RE: Rolling cylinder problem
@unknownuser said:
by phy on Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:37 pm
Could you post the model. You can try scaling everything up.This is going sound weird, but How do I post a model. Post it here? On google 3d warehouse?