... mainly because Podium is not using the exact same Kerkythea engine as in KT.
nice work Biebel !
... mainly because Podium is not using the exact same Kerkythea engine as in KT.
nice work Biebel !
that is why I asked it looks horrible
if you convert a VRML (out of Make3D) to SU and without any changes to the model I would like to see it
why ? you can do it already easily using PhotoMatch
... be sure to tune in next week for the episode 'TBD and his almost same setup'
Boofredlay: we are waiting for the "behind the scene" clip (= how is the new computer flying)
Yeah, we can send u a month's rain in an hour.
I am ordering a similar setup (but with 4gb RAM, 500GB Hdd, Geforce 8600GT).
what was the price on your setup ? also if it is ready Monday, can you post some tests/experience ?
try adding this after pushpull command :
you can:
possibilities are endless
yeah it is possible - you just need to add a script URL. just tested with Google Clock and works ok (flash based)
skpdoc is a bridge to SDK world - it gives back the pointer to the Sketchup document interface. funny thing that it was available in SU5, removed in SU6 (least in 6.0.515 it was not available) and now is back
tried from two providers - still not working
later edit: finally made it work via proxy
hmm, cannot access the site - gives me reports: Destination protocol unreachable on traceroute. in Firefox it just timeouts
a quick way is to point them to page2rss which creates a RSS feed based on when you update the page
you must disable the load button until you finish the eval of the code as SU Ruby is not reentrant
export html I think is for exporting the code highlighting and encode/decode for script encryption
I also did something similar for SU5, before WebDialogs, with tab completion and aliases. if you want I can share the source as I dont have time to finish it
pitty that Sketchup.active_model.sapidoc is not available in SU6 anymore