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RE: Problem with highpoly models
RE: Problem with highpoly models this is preview renders in project I have been told about, approximately 200 MB
RE: Problem with highpoly models
I have problem with rendering time when a displacement is turn on, I just try displacement in segment, testing, and go on without it. ;ater I just turn on all displacement when I want to render a final image. I have no better advice. I am thinking of vray in 3ds max because this problems. I'll keep modeling in SketchUp, cause it's the best and faster way, but render...
Problem with highpoly models
Hi everyone,
I have a problem in Sketchup pro8 when I want to render a highpoly model. When I go over 200 MB, I cannot render, Vray just don't open a frame buffer.
My configuration in laptop is prity good Interl i7, 8 GBB DDR3, Intel HD graphic card recognized in SketchUp OPEN GL.Thank you all in advance for any advice
RE: [Plugin] SmartPushPull v0.26 (05 nov)
I always TT's comment and decide to download or not